Well I'm very glad that you've enjoyed your time with it! Thank you for giving it a try.
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It is, but it's by far the trickiest to get to. We'll probably adjust requirements down the line at some point, but also as mentioned elsewhere, we'll likely have the CGs just unlock when finishing the game, once we have actual endings.
It's a work in progress after all, so it still needs some refinement in places of course. But priority for now is first getting the story in and all that, then we can worry about these other things.
I'll delete your post since it doesn't actually spoiler it. But spoiler answer is still below.
Thank you first of all, and no, she isn't. I think it could have been interesting to play around with the understanding of it during that time, but no, not what we're going for. It's just that women were not allowed to work on ships, so she has to make do somehow.
Hey hey, thank you for keeping your eyes open again. I mean i certainly won't hold it against you if you missed some, because clearly, despite our best efforts we have plenty slipping through the cracks. So yeah, thank you very very much for your efforts. Which, by the way, would you like to be added to the credits under the special thanks section? I feel like you've helped along so regularly that you certainly deserve it. Lemme know if you'd like to be included and which name you'd prefer to be listed.
And I'm glad to hear! Was the writer for the Arthur scene myself, so I'm doubly happy that people really seem to enjoy that one and that managed to do it justice. Especially given that Arthur (deliberately ofc.) wasn't the most likeable character during this day. So I really needed to hit the target there. :D
(Oh also, thanks for putting a name on the Title Case/Sentence Case thing for me.)
Yeah, totally get it. We usually add around 20k+ words per update. Just with the structure the game has and the choices involved it means that not every route is always getting a big chunk added to it. But in the end, the game is naturally being made to work as a fully finished product in the future.
Usually I recommend playing every other update. That's a pretty good rhythm to have a decent amount of new stuff added to most options.
Hah, happy that you're enjoying it and hopefully will be enjoying plenty updates to come! Thank you.
As for the prints, yeah probably at some point some will make it. It just feels weird tbh, since they're not really made for print. So it'll be a case of seeing which ones i feel even work fine and would print well.
Hey, I think with Krita you can only import the brush shape itself, but it doesn't import the rest of the setting with it. So i'm not sure if that is a great option for you if you're new, since while you probably can tweak and recreate the settings, i doubt it's something you want to do as a beginner.
Hey hey thank you for the catches! Should all be sorted out come update 16.
And will have a peek at the pathing there as well. Initial thought is that i generally don't want to force people into a certain path, so that's probably why you can still decide against using the booze on the second go. But I'll have to double check to be sure. Hard to really recall every permutation off of the top of my head.
And yeh, if the player can choose then i do want to have some choices that are just out there if someone really wants to go that route. Though yeah, usually preeeeetty well telegraphed since i don't like having some innocuous choice end up suddenly have some character get super mad at you.
But having the option i think is still valuable and fun in a way. :D
We make sure that nothing of the story or any important events get changed, so it's just more of a prettying up of day 1. Since that was the section that i did for the initial release, without much of a plan of where to take it, and when i was just doing it as a little bit of a project in my month off. I just don't think it holds up and so by now everything but the Rajeeyah & Arthur section have been overhauled.
It's absolutely not needed to go back since as I said, the essence of the scene is still the same, but if you thought that particular scene was one you liked, then it now should be even better! :D