Enjoying it! Reminds me a little of Superfrog/PC platformers with a ton of Zool candy!
Joel J Games
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Okay, a bit more detailed: you'll need to head south and find the general store (it's just west of the path and one of the first locations you'll find. Once you enter the store, you can find a key to a locked store room in the store, and some oil from the store room. After this the robot will enable you to progress to the South East and then ultimately, to the North.
I can confirm that The Vault and Irradiated zone require knowledge and off world technology to access (so would fall outside of the demo and be a full game thing).
Congratulations on not being a monster and doing the right thing! Yes your interaction in the Warrens changes won't go quite the same way if you're a Radt murderer!
Thank you! and thanks a lot for this feedback, those definitely need fixing. I've spotted the issues with the broken ship and blocked the walls off properly (it'll be in the next build) and made a note now on the other isometric scenes to review the collisions.
In terms of the platforming clipping issues, I don't suppose you remember the parts it was on, was it the areas you need to roll through or somewhere else?
Ah right, didn't realise which project I was in! I'm pretty sure that BitmapSoft have the old version (digital) on their site still – https://www.bitmapsoft.co.uk/product/tales-of-monsterland/
I was wondering if anyone would get that reference! What a film, I loved it as a kid and rewatched it recently, so dark in places, electric shock treatment on kids, a sort of post apocalyptic Oz? Wheelers scared me big time. The film really holds up!
Glad you enjoyed it and thanks for the feedback, I'm back on it working on the full version and also general improvements to responsiveness and mechanics I'm hoping to roll out soon(ish).
Not a problem, good look with the development when you do! A great resource if you don't already know it is – http://gbstudiocentral.com
My post should have come with a trigger warning!
Funnily enough I was thinking of your project and wondering how you got on, since it's open world, huge and you can go back to the areas, that seems to be the big problem. Even now I'm thinking about all the triggers that I have that need to trigger just once and I'll have to convert to flags at some point, it must have been a nightmare for such a big project, I'm glad you got through it!
Some in game labels to flags would be a nice addition to make things easier.
I'll be interested to watch the video and hopefully that and this post can stop a few people who might do the same thing as we did otherwise!