Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.2.0 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/Tiryoh/timed_roslaunch.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | noetic-devel |
Last Updated | 2024-09-05 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Daisuke Sato
- Masaru Morita
- Doi Yusuke
This script can delay the launch of a roslaunch file.
This script can delay the launch of a roslaunch file. Make sure that the file is executable (chmod +x timed_roslaunch.sh)
Run it from command line
rosrun timed_roslaunch timed_roslaunch.sh [number of seconds to delay] [rospkg] [roslaunch file] [arguments (optional)]
roslaunch timed_roslaunch timed_roslaunch.launch time:=[number of second to delay] pkg:=[rospkg] file:=[roslaunch file] value:=[arguments (optional)]
rosrun timed_roslaunch timed_roslaunch.sh 2 turtlebot_navigation amcl_demo.launch initial_pose_x:=17.0 initial_pose_y:=17.0"
Run it from another roslaunch file
<include file="$(find timed_roslaunch)/launch/timed_roslaunch.launch">
<arg name="time" value="2" />
<arg name="pkg" value="turtlebot_navigation" />
<arg name="file" value="amcl_demo.launch" />
<arg name="value" value="initial_pose_x:=17.0 initial_pose_y:=17.0" />
<arg name="node_name" value="timed_roslaunch" /> <!-- This is an optional argument -->
<arg name="output" value="screen" /> <!-- This is an optional argument -->
<node pkg="timed_roslaunch" type="timed_roslaunch.sh"
args="2 turtlebot_navigation amcl_demo.launch initial_pose_x:=17.0 initial_pose_y:=17.0"
name="timed_roslaunch" output="screen" />
This software is released under the BSD 3-Clause License, see LICENSE.txt.
Changelog for package timed_roslaunch
0.2.0 (2024-09-05)
- Update maintainer
- Use GitHub Actions
- Add "output" option to launch #20
0.1.1 (2020-04-22)
- Merge pull request #16 from v4hn/patch-1 make sure to handle spaces in parameters
- make sure to handle spaces in parameters ["$@"]{.title-ref} is a special sequence expanded to a list of quoted arguments Leaving this out might result in arguments split into multiple smaller arguments at this point
- Fix install scripts in CMakeLists
- Modify travis setting
- Modify travis setting.
- Fix timed_roslaunch to add default values
- Rename exmample file
- Modify misc settings
- Merge pull request #7 from MoriKen254/indigo-devel Official CI
- Delete launchtest depend.
- Merge pull request #6 from MoriKen254/indigo-devel Official CI
- Add launch test.
- Add package configuration for official ci.
- Add about in README.
- Merge pull request #5 from MoriKen254/mm/add/travis Add travis
- Add travis status to README.
- Add travis file.
- Add dependency setting.
- Add test trigger launch.
- Add test related files.
- Merge pull request #4 from forno/master Add launch file for usability
- Fix typo
- Update documentation for launch file
- Add launch file
- Add launch file for usability time, pkg, file, valueと具体名をつけることで使いやすくする試み。 使用者はこれらアーギュメントを渡しつつincludeすれば良い
- Merge pull request #3 from forno/master Fix url tags
- Fix url tags
- Update limit number of arguments to 3 少なくとも、 [late time, package name, launch file name] の3つのステータスが必要。 なので、3つよりも引数が少なければエラーとする。
- Update usage on launch file 必要最低限の情報だけのほうが使い方は伝わりやすいかと思います。
- Fix typo on README BSD3条項ライセンスでした
- Add text for license onto script files
- Update README.md for license
- Create LICENSE.txt package.xml にBSDライセンスって書いてあるけど LICENSEの表示ファイルが無いのは不親切かと思い追加。 LICENSE.txt 追加にあたって \@MoriKen254 さんのお名前を著作権表示のためお借りします。
- Update document using timed_launch package include fix typo time_roslaunch.sh to timed_roslaunch.sh せっかくcatkinパッケージにしてROSシステム上に存在してるので 他の人のところにコピるんじゃなくて利用してもらうように指示 BSDライセンスって書いてあるから、コピったらBSDライセンスに従わないといけませんしね
- Update readme with description and usage
- Update package.xml and CMakeLists.txt reference:
- [ros_core/package.xml](https://github.com/ros/metapackages/blob/kinetic-devel/ros_core/package.xml)
- Update function definition for posix sh (dash) から実行できなかったので posix 準拠にして動くようにしました。 referance:
- Add comment to shift command 何度読んでも見逃してしまいがちなので 改行+コメントで強調
- Add non-existent argment task
- Update comment layout
- Fix typo Use to Usage
- Fix miss text for solve syntax error 恐らく誤って3行目と4行目がコピーされた結果であるものを削除
- [modify] add maintainer
- Update README.md
- [add] added actual scripts
- Update .gitignore
- Initial commit
- Contributors: Doi Yusuke, Masaru Morita, Michael Görner, Mori, MoriKen254
Wiki Tutorials
Launch files
- test/runtest.launch
- arg1 [default: 0.0]
- launch/timed_roslaunch.launch
- time [default: 0]
- pkg [default: ]
- file [default: ]
- value [default: ]
- node_name [default: timed_roslaunch_$(arg time)_$(arg pkg)]
- output [default: log]
- launch/timed_roslaunch_test.launch
- test/timed_roslaunch.test.xml
Recent questions tagged timed_roslaunch at Robotics Stack Exchange
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.1.0 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/MoriKen254/timed_roslaunch.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | indigo-devel |
Last Updated | 2018-11-09 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | UNRELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Masaru Morita
- Doi Yusuke
- Masaru Morita
This script can delay the launch of a roslaunch file.
This script can delay the launch of a roslaunch file. Make sure that the file is executable (chmod +x timed_roslaunch.sh)
Run it from command line
rosrun timed_roslaunch timed_roslaunch.sh [number of seconds to delay] [rospkg] [roslaunch file] [arguments (optional)]
roslaunch timed_roslaunch timed_roslaunch.launch time:=[number of second to delay] pkg:=[rospkg] file:=[roslaunch file] value:=[arguments (optional)]
rosrun timed_roslaunch timed_roslaunch.sh 2 turtlebot_navigation amcl_demo.launch initial_pose_x:=17.0 initial_pose_y:=17.0"
Run it from another roslaunch file
<include file="$(find timed_roslaunch)/launch/timed_roslaunch.launch">
<arg name="time" value="2" />
<arg name="pkg" value="turtlebot_navigation" />
<arg name="file" value="amcl_demo.launch" />
<arg name="value" value="initial_pose_x:=17.0 initial_pose_y:=17.0" />
<arg name="node_name" value="timed_roslaunch" /> <!-- This is optional jBrgment -->
<node pkg="timed_roslaunch" type="timed_roslaunch.sh"
args="2 turtlebot_navigation amcl_demo.launch initial_pose_x:=17.0 initial_pose_y:=17.0"
name="timed_roslaunch" output="screen" />
This software is released under the BSD 3-Clause License, see LICENSE.txt.
Wiki Tutorials
Launch files
- test/runtest.launch
- arg1 [default: 0.0]
- launch/timed_roslaunch.launch
- time [default: 0]
- pkg [default: ]
- file [default: ]
- value [default: ]
- node_name [default: timed_roslaunch_$(arg time)_$(arg pkg)]
- launch/timed_roslaunch_test.launch
- test/timed_roslaunch.test.xml
Recent questions tagged timed_roslaunch at Robotics Stack Exchange
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.1.3 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/MoriKen254/timed_roslaunch.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | kinetic-devel |
Last Updated | 2019-01-12 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Masaru Morita
- Doi Yusuke
- Masaru Morita
This script can delay the launch of a roslaunch file.
sudo apt install ros-kinetic-timed-roslaunch
source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash
cd ~/<catkin_ws>/src
git clone https://github.com/MoriKen254/timed_roslaunch.git
cd ~/<catkin_ws>
source ~/<catkin_ws>/devel/setup.bash
This script can delay the launch of a roslaunch file. Make sure that the file is executable (chmod +x timed_roslaunch.sh)
Run it from command line
rosrun timed_roslaunch timed_roslaunch.sh [number of seconds to delay] [rospkg] [roslaunch file] [arguments (optional)]
roslaunch timed_roslaunch timed_roslaunch.launch time:=[number of second to delay] pkg:=[rospkg] file:=[roslaunch file] value:=[arguments (optional)]
rosrun timed_roslaunch timed_roslaunch.sh 2 turtlebot_navigation amcl_demo.launch initial_pose_x:=17.0 initial_pose_y:=17.0"
Run it from another roslaunch file
<include file="$(find timed_roslaunch)/launch/timed_roslaunch.launch">
<arg name="time" value="2" />
<arg name="pkg" value="turtlebot_navigation" />
<arg name="file" value="amcl_demo.launch" />
<arg name="value" value="initial_pose_x:=17.0 initial_pose_y:=17.0" />
<arg name="node_name" value="timed_roslaunch" /> <!-- This is an optional argument -->
<node pkg="timed_roslaunch" type="timed_roslaunch.sh"
args="2 turtlebot_navigation amcl_demo.launch initial_pose_x:=17.0 initial_pose_y:=17.0"
name="timed_roslaunch" output="screen" />
This software is released under the BSD 3-Clause License, see LICENSE.txt.
Changelog for package timed_roslaunch
0.1.3 (2018-11-09)
- Merge pull request #14 from MoriKen254/mk/mod-cmake-kinetic Modify CMakeLists for launch and test dir install
- Modify CMakeLists for launch and test dir install
- Contributors: Mori, MoriKen254
0.1.2 (2018-11-09)
- Fix install scripts in CMakeLists
- Contributors: MoriKen254
0.1.1 (2018-11-02)
- Modify travis setting.
- Fix timed_roslaunch to add default values
- Rename exmample file
- Modify misc settings
- Merge pull request #7 from MoriKen254/indigo-devel Official CI
- Delete launchtest depend.
- Merge pull request #6 from MoriKen254/indigo-devel Official CI
- Add launch test.
- Add package configuration for official ci.
- Add about in README.
- Merge pull request #5 from MoriKen254/mm/add/travis Add travis
- Add travis status to README.
- Add travis file.
- Add dependency setting.
- Add test trigger launch.
- Add test related files.
- Merge pull request #4 from forno/master Add launch file for usability
- Fix typo
- Update documentation for launch file
- Add launch file
- Add launch file for usability time, pkg, file, valueと具体名をつけることで使いやすくする試み。 使用者はこれらアーギュメントを渡しつつincludeすれば良い
- Merge pull request #3 from forno/master Fix url tags
- Fix url tags
- Update limit number of arguments to 3 少なくとも、 [late time, package name, launch file name] の3つのステータスが必要。 なので、3つよりも引数が少なければエラーとする。
- Update usage on launch file 必要最低限の情報だけのほうが使い方は伝わりやすいかと思います。
- Fix typo on README BSD3条項ライセンスでした
- Add text for license onto script files
- Update README.md for license
- Create LICENSE.txt package.xml にBSDライセンスって書いてあるけど LICENSEの表示ファイルが無いのは不親切かと思い追加。 LICENSE.txt 追加にあたって \@MoriKen254 さんのお名前を著作権表示のためお借りします。
- Update document using timed_launch package include fix typo time_roslaunch.sh to timed_roslaunch.sh せっかくcatkinパッケージにしてROSシステム上に存在してるので 他の人のところにコピるんじゃなくて利用してもらうように指示 BSDライセンスって書いてあるから、コピったらBSDライセンスに従わないといけませんしね
- Update readme with description and usage
- Update package.xml and CMakeLists.txt reference:
- [ros_core/package.xml](https://github.com/ros/metapackages/blob/kinetic-devel/ros_core/package.xml)
- Update function definition for posix sh (dash) から実行できなかったので posix 準拠にして動くようにしました。 referance:
- Add comment to shift command 何度読んでも見逃してしまいがちなので 改行+コメントで強調
- Add non-existent argment task
- Update comment layout
- Fix typo Use to Usage
- Fix miss text for solve syntax error 恐らく誤って3行目と4行目がコピーされた結果であるものを削除
- [modify] add maintainer
- Update README.md
- [add] added actual scripts
- Update .gitignore
- Initial commit
- Contributors: Doi Yusuke, Masaru Morita, MoriKen254
Wiki Tutorials
Launch files
- test/runtest.launch
- arg1 [default: 0.0]
- launch/timed_roslaunch.launch
- time [default: 0]
- pkg [default: ]
- file [default: ]
- value [default: ]
- node_name [default: timed_roslaunch_$(arg time)_$(arg pkg)]
- launch/timed_roslaunch_test.launch
- test/timed_roslaunch.test.xml
Recent questions tagged timed_roslaunch at Robotics Stack Exchange
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.1.4 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/MoriKen254/timed_roslaunch.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | melodic-devel |
Last Updated | 2020-04-24 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Masaru Morita
- Doi Yusuke
- Masaru Morita
This script can delay the launch of a roslaunch file.
This script can delay the launch of a roslaunch file. Make sure that the file is executable (chmod +x timed_roslaunch.sh)
Run it from command line
rosrun timed_roslaunch timed_roslaunch.sh [number of seconds to delay] [rospkg] [roslaunch file] [arguments (optional)]
roslaunch timed_roslaunch timed_roslaunch.launch time:=[number of second to delay] pkg:=[rospkg] file:=[roslaunch file] value:=[arguments (optional)]
rosrun timed_roslaunch timed_roslaunch.sh 2 turtlebot_navigation amcl_demo.launch initial_pose_x:=17.0 initial_pose_y:=17.0"
Run it from another roslaunch file
<include file="$(find timed_roslaunch)/launch/timed_roslaunch.launch">
<arg name="time" value="2" />
<arg name="pkg" value="turtlebot_navigation" />
<arg name="file" value="amcl_demo.launch" />
<arg name="value" value="initial_pose_x:=17.0 initial_pose_y:=17.0" />
<arg name="node_name" value="timed_roslaunch" /> <!-- This is optional jBrgment -->
<node pkg="timed_roslaunch" type="timed_roslaunch.sh"
args="2 turtlebot_navigation amcl_demo.launch initial_pose_x:=17.0 initial_pose_y:=17.0"
name="timed_roslaunch" output="screen" />
This software is released under the BSD 3-Clause License, see LICENSE.txt.
Changelog for package timed_roslaunch
0.1.1 (2020-04-22)
- Merge pull request #16 from v4hn/patch-1 make sure to handle spaces in parameters
- make sure to handle spaces in parameters ["$@"]{.title-ref} is a special sequence expanded to a list of quoted arguments Leaving this out might result in arguments split into multiple smaller arguments at this point
- Fix install scripts in CMakeLists
- Modify travis setting
- Modify travis setting.
- Fix timed_roslaunch to add default values
- Rename exmample file
- Modify misc settings
- Merge pull request #7 from MoriKen254/indigo-devel Official CI
- Delete launchtest depend.
- Merge pull request #6 from MoriKen254/indigo-devel Official CI
- Add launch test.
- Add package configuration for official ci.
- Add about in README.
- Merge pull request #5 from MoriKen254/mm/add/travis Add travis
- Add travis status to README.
- Add travis file.
- Add dependency setting.
- Add test trigger launch.
- Add test related files.
- Merge pull request #4 from forno/master Add launch file for usability
- Fix typo
- Update documentation for launch file
- Add launch file
- Add launch file for usability time, pkg, file, valueと具体名をつけることで使いやすくする試み。 使用者はこれらアーギュメントを渡しつつincludeすれば良い
- Merge pull request #3 from forno/master Fix url tags
- Fix url tags
- Update limit number of arguments to 3 少なくとも、 [late time, package name, launch file name] の3つのステータスが必要。 なので、3つよりも引数が少なければエラーとする。
- Update usage on launch file 必要最低限の情報だけのほうが使い方は伝わりやすいかと思います。
- Fix typo on README BSD3条項ライセンスでした
- Add text for license onto script files
- Update README.md for license
- Create LICENSE.txt package.xml にBSDライセンスって書いてあるけど LICENSEの表示ファイルが無いのは不親切かと思い追加。 LICENSE.txt 追加にあたって \@MoriKen254 さんのお名前を著作権表示のためお借りします。
- Update document using timed_launch package include fix typo time_roslaunch.sh to timed_roslaunch.sh せっかくcatkinパッケージにしてROSシステム上に存在してるので 他の人のところにコピるんじゃなくて利用してもらうように指示 BSDライセンスって書いてあるから、コピったらBSDライセンスに従わないといけませんしね
- Update readme with description and usage
- Update package.xml and CMakeLists.txt reference:
- [ros_core/package.xml](https://github.com/ros/metapackages/blob/kinetic-devel/ros_core/package.xml)
- Update function definition for posix sh (dash) から実行できなかったので posix 準拠にして動くようにしました。 referance:
- Add comment to shift command 何度読んでも見逃してしまいがちなので 改行+コメントで強調
- Add non-existent argment task
- Update comment layout
- Fix typo Use to Usage
- Fix miss text for solve syntax error 恐らく誤って3行目と4行目がコピーされた結果であるものを削除
- [modify] add maintainer
- Update README.md
- [add] added actual scripts
- Update .gitignore
- Initial commit
- Contributors: Doi Yusuke, Masaru Morita, Michael Görner, Mori, MoriKen254
Wiki Tutorials
Launch files
- test/runtest.launch
- arg1 [default: 0.0]
- launch/timed_roslaunch.launch
- time [default: 0]
- pkg [default: ]
- file [default: ]
- value [default: ]
- node_name [default: timed_roslaunch_$(arg time)_$(arg pkg)]
- launch/timed_roslaunch_test.launch
- test/timed_roslaunch.test.xml