This paper consists of three separate articles on the number of fundamental dimensionful constants in physics. We started our debate in summer 1992 on the terrace of the famous CERN cafeteria. In the summer of 2001 we returned to the subject to find that our views still diverged and decided to explain our current positions. LBO develops the traditional approach with three constants, GV argues in favor of at most two (within superstring theory), while MJD advocates zero.
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Patrick Hayden and John Preskill JHEP09(2007)120
We study information retrieval from evaporating black holes, assuming that the internal dynamics of a black hole is unitary and rapidly mixing, and assuming that the retriever has unlimited control over the emitted Hawking radiation. If the evaporation of the black hole has already proceeded past the ``half-way'' point, where half of the initial entropy has been radiated away, then additional quantum information deposited in the black hole is revealed in the Hawking radiation very rapidly. Information deposited prior to the half-way point remains concealed until the half-way point, and then emerges quickly. These conclusions hold because typical local quantum circuits are efficient encoders for quantum error-correcting codes that nearly achieve the capacity of the quantum erasure channel. Our estimate of a black hole's information retention time, based on speculative dynamical assumptions, is just barely compatible with the black hole complementarity hypothesis.
Matteo Cacciari et al JHEP04(2008)063
The kt and Cambridge/Aachen inclusive jet finding algorithms for hadron-hadron collisions can be seen as belonging to a broader class of sequential recombination jet algorithms, parametrised by the power of the energy scale in the distance measure. We examine some properties of a new member of this class, for which the power is negative. This ``anti-kt'' algorithm essentially behaves like an idealised cone algorithm, in that jets with only soft fragmentation are conical, active and passive areas are equal, the area anomalous dimensions are zero, the non-global logarithms are those of a rigid boundary and the Milan factor is universal. None of these properties hold for existing sequential recombination algorithms, nor for cone algorithms with split-merge steps, such as SISCone. They are however the identifying characteristics of the collinear unsafe plain ``iterative cone'' algorithm, for which the anti-kt algorithm provides a natural, fast, infrared and collinear safe replacement.
Rong-Gen Cai and Sang Pyo Kim JHEP02(2005)050
Applying the first law of thermodynamics to the apparent horizon of a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universe and assuming the geometric entropy given by a quarter of the apparent horizon area, we derive the Friedmann equations describing the dynamics of the universe with any spatial curvature. Using entropy formulae for the static spherically symmetric black hole horizons in Gauss-Bonnet gravity and in more general Lovelock gravity, where the entropy is not proportional to the horizon area, we are also able to obtain the Friedmann equations in each gravity theory. We also discuss some physical implications of our results.
Harald Anlauf et al JHEP10(1998)013
The leading and next-to-leading radiative corrections to deep inelastic events with tagged photons are calculated analytically. Comparisons with previous results and numerical estimations are presented for the experimental conditions at HERA.
Nathan Seiberg and Edward Witten JHEP09(1999)032
We extend earlier ideas about the appearance of noncommutative geometry in string theory with a nonzero B-field. We identify a limit in which the entire string dynamics is described by a minimally coupled (supersymmetric) gauge theory on a noncommutative space, and discuss the corrections away from this limit. Our analysis leads us to an equivalence between ordinary gauge fields and noncommutative gauge fields, which is realized by a change of variables that can be described explicitly. This change of variables is checked by comparing the ordinary Dirac-Born-Infeld theory with its noncommutative counterpart. We obtain a new perspective on noncommutative gauge theory on a torus, its T-duality, and Morita equivalence. We also discuss the D0/D4 system, the relation to M-theory in DLCQ, and a possible noncommutative version of the six-dimensional (2,0) theory.
Juan Maldacena JHEP04(2003)021
We propose a dual non-perturbative description for maximally extended Schwarzschild Anti-de-Sitter spacetimes. The description involves two copies of the conformal field theory associated to the AdS spacetime and an initial entangled state. In this context we also discuss a version of the information loss paradox and its resolution.
Yasuhiro Sekino and L. Susskind JHEP10(2008)065
We consider the problem of how fast a quantum system can scramble (thermalize) information, given that the interactions are between bounded clusters of degrees of freedom; pairwise interactions would be an example. Based on previous work, we conjecture:
The most rapid scramblers take a time logarithmic in the number of degrees of freedom.
Matrix quantum mechanics (systems whose degrees of freedom are n byn matrices) saturate the bound.
Black holes are the fastest scramblers in nature.
Michele Caselle et al JHEP05(2004)032
We study the Polyakov loop correlator in the (2+1) dimensional 2 gauge model. An algorithm that we have presented recently, allows us to reach high precision results for a large range of distances and temperatures, giving us the opportunity to test predictions of the effective Nambu-Goto string model. Here we focus on the regime of low temperatures and small distances. In contrast to the high temperature, large distance regime, we find that our numerical results are not well described by the two loop-prediction of the Nambu-Goto model. In addition we compare our data with those for the SU(2) and SU(3) gauge models in (2+1) dimensions obtained by other authors. We generalize the result of Lüscher and Weisz for a boundary term in the interquark potential to the finite temperature case.
Maximo Bañados et al JHEP05(2004)039
We present a holographic treatment of Chern-Simons (CS) gravity theories in odd dimensions. We construct the associated holographic stress tensor and calculate the Weyl anomalies of the dual CFT.
Péter Forgács and Árpád Lukács JHEP12(2009)064
A linear stability analysis of twisted flux-tubes (strings) in an SU(2) semilocal theory — an Abelian-Higgs model with two charged scalar fields with a global SU(2) symmetry — is carried out. Here the twist refers to a relative phase between the two complex scalars (with linear dependence on, say, the z coordinate), and importantly it leads to a global current flowing along the the string. Such twisted strings bifurcate with the Abrikosov-Nielsen-Olesen (ANO) solution embedded in the semilocal theory. Our numerical investigations of the small fluctuation spectrum confirm previous results that twisted strings exhibit instabilities whose amplitudes grow exponentially in time. More precisely twisted strings with a single magnetic flux quantum admit a continuous family of unstable eigenmodes with harmonic z dependence, indexed by a wavenumber k∊[−km, km]. Carrying out a perturbative semi-analytic analysis of the bifurcation, it is found that the purely numerical results are very well reproduced. This way one obtains not only a good qualitative description of the twisted solutions themselves as well as of their instabilities, but also a quantitative description of the numerical results. Our semi-analytic results indicate that in close analogy to the known instability of the embedded ANO vortex a twisted string is also likely to expand in size caused by the spreading out of its magnetic flux.
Koji Hashimoto JHEP12(2009)065
We provide a dual gravity description of a supersymmetric heavy nucleus, following the idea of our previous paper arXiv/0809.3141. The supersymmetric nucleus consists of a merginal bound state of A baryons distributed over a ball in 3 dimensions. In the gauge/string duality, the baryon in = 4 super Yang-Mills (SYM) theory corresponds to a D5-brane wrapping S5 of the AdS5×S5 spacetime, so the nucleus corresponds to a collection of A D5-branes. We take a large A and a near horizon limits of a back-reacted geometry generated by the wrapped A D5-branes, where we find a gap in the supergravity fluctuation spectrum. This spectrum is a gravity dual of giant resonances of heavy nuclei, in the supersymmetric toy example of QCD.
Jorge Casalderrey-Solana et al JHEP12(2009)066
We study the stochastic motion of a relativistic trailing string in black hole AdS5. The classical string solution develops a world-sheet horizon and we determine the associated Hawking radiation spectrum. The emitted radiation causes fluctuations on the string both above and below the world-sheet horizon. In contrast to standard black hole physics, the fluctuations below the horizon are causally connected with the boundary of AdS. We derive a bulk stochastic equation of motion for the dual string and use the AdS/CFT correspondence to determine the evolution of a fast heavy quark in the strongly coupled = 4 plasma. We find that the kinetic mass of the quark decreases by ΔM = −(γλ)1/2T/2 while the correlation time of world sheet fluctuations increases by γ1/2.
Daniel J.H. Chung et al JHEP12(2009)067
We present a complete treatment of the diffusion processes for supersymmetric electroweak baryogenesis that characterizes transport dynamics ahead of the phase transition bubble wall within the symmetric phase. In particular, we generalize existing approaches to distinguish between chemical potentials of particles and their superpartners. This allows us to test the assumption of superequilibrium (equal chemical potentials for particles and sparticles) that has usually been made in earlier studies. We show that in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model, superequilibrium is generically maintained — even in the absence of fast supergauge interactions — due to the presence of Yukawa interactions. We provide both analytic arguments as well as illustrative numerical examples. We also extend the latter to regions where analytical approximations are not available since down-type Yukawa couplings or supergauge interactions only incompletely equilibrate. We further comment on cases of broken superequilibrium wherein a heavy superpartner decouples from the electroweak plasma, causing a kinematic bottleneck in the chain of equilibrating reactions. Such situations may be relevant for baryogenesis within extensions of the MSSM. We also provide a compendium of inputs required to characterize the symmetric phase transport dynamics.
M. Ciafaloni and D. Colferai JHEP12(2009)062
Starting from the semiclassical reduced-action approach to transplanckian scattering by Amati, Veneziano and one of us and from our previous quantum extension of that model, we investigate theS-matrix expression for inelastic processes by extending to this case the tunneling features previously found in the region of classical gravitational collapse. The resulting model exhibits some non-unitary S-matrix eigenvalues for impact parameters b < bc, a critical value of the order of the gravitational radiusR = 2Gs1/2, thus showing that some (inelastic) unitarity defect is generally present, and can be studied quantitatively. We find that S-matrix unitarity for b < bc is restored only if the rapidity phase-space parameter y is allowed to take values larger than the effective coupling Gs/ℏ itself. Some features of the resulting unitary model are discussed.
Dieter Lüst JHEP03(2009)149
In this article we will overview several aspects of the string landscape, namely intersecting D-brane models and their statistics, possible model independent LHC signatures of intersecting brane models, flux compactification, moduli stabilization in type II compactifications, domain wall solutions and brane inflation.