The ICES Data Science Education Webinar Series
Courtesy of the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences
The ICES Data Science Education webinar series aims to highlight the value of both advanced (traditional) statistical methods and machine learning methods for examining population-wide health and health services data.
Presenters are experts in the fields of biostatistics, statistics, computer science, epidemiology, or health services research.
This series will be of particular interest to researchers and methodologists who utilize large population-wide databases to conduct evidence-based health studies.
R Vignettes II
January 13 2020
Matthew Kumar
The Promise and Potential of ML in Health
May 13 2019
Dr. Elham Dolatabadi
Learning Healthy Models for Healthcare
March 25 2019
Matthew McDermott and Dr. Marzyeh Ghassemi
Marginal structural models
October 22 2018
Dr. Laura Rosella
Applied cost analysis for policy decisions
June 25 2018
Dr. Walter Wodchis & Brian Chan