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Authentication is required to proceed

Please log in using your RePEc Author Service Short-ID:

Note that you need to reset your password at the RePEc Author Service, a necessary step before logging back in if you have not logged in since March 2023.

If you do not know your RePEc Short-ID, look it up on your profile at EconPapers or IDEAS. You can also use this handy RePEc Short-ID lookup tool. A RePEc Short-ID is of the form pxxnnnn, where xx are two letters (usually the first two of your last name) and nnnn are up to four numbers. If you do not have an account with the RePEc Author Service yet, create one.

Note that the authentication process makes use of temporary cookies.

What is MyIDEAS?

MyIDEAS is a personalized service on the IDEAS website that allows you to build your bibliography and track what is new. Specifically, you can
Create bibliographies
Assemble bibliographic records as you navigate the site, organize them into folders, export the records in various formats, and (new feature) share a folder with others.
Follow authors
Track what your colleagues, co-authors, students or favorite authors are publishing, including working papers.
Follow serials
See what has been published in your favorite journals, working papers series, etc.
Follow JEL codes
If some works have been added to RePEc with the JEL codes you care about, MyIDEAS will show it to you
Follow search keywords
Save an IDEAS search so that you are alerted to any additions to its results.
Get announcements of virtual seminars
Get an email with the virtual seminars in your field held in the following week, taken from this calendar

As all this is saved on the IDEAS server, you can access it from anywhere. Once logged in, you can use MyIDEAS from almost every page on IDEAS, where you will be prompted to follow something or save an item to your account. Look for the MyIDEAS button just below the top bar.

NEW: you can now get weekly digests with the literature that has been added for your followed authors, JEL codes, serials, and keyword searches.

There is also a quick tutorial.

Note that you need to be registered on the RePEc Author Service to access MyIDEAS. Also, MyIDEAS uses a cookie that logs you out after an hour of inactivity. This is not a tracking cookie, though, so we are doing nothing mischievious with your web activity.

A final note about the difference between the RePEc Author Service and MyIDEAS: the purpose of the RePEc Author Service is to create a profile of your works, your citations and your affiliation. It then provides this information to various RePEc services, for example IDEAS, where you have a public profile. MyIDEAS allows you to follow the works of others (for example what authors you select have recently included in their RePEc Author Service profile), and the contents of your MyIDEAS account is not shared with anyone (except your bibliographic folder, if you want to). You do not need to be an author to use MyIDEAS.


IDEAS is a RePEc service. RePEc uses bibliographic data supplied by the respective publishers.