Do you have any suggestions for trimming claws on an adult cat who is not food motivated? She is happy to get treats but doesn’t seek them out. I tried bribing her into letting me touch her paws and it hasn’t been going anywhere. I can grab her and hold onto her with less resistance than when I first got her, but if she makes sad noises I feel guilty and let her go. I tried wrapping her in a damp towel (vet did this to my last cat, who hated the vet, and said it reduced static in their fur) and she did seem calmer. But I also had trouble getting her claws extended like that and I didn’t want to draw out the process and make it more uncomfortable. My last cats were super food motivated and had been declawed by their previous owners, so I haven’t had this problem before. Thanks!
Just take it slow and work on paw handling. Actual overgrowth to the point of heath risk will take a long time, so you don’t have to rush it–work slowly on handling paws during normal petting and cuddling, then add holding paws still, then slowly build towards deploying claws while holding them. Positive reinforcement for this can be whatever your cat likes: ear rubs, catnip, a toy, whatever.
But ultimately you may not get total cooperation on this and it might wind up being a wrap-in-towel and do it quickly sort of job, and that’s okay. Working on paw handling will still make it less stressful so it’s not a waste of time. Weirdly, Malice doesn’t like the nail clipper but she does like her nails filed, but I think she’s a freak.