In the last few days I have been seeing headlines about research that highlights how participation in Veganuary can result in longer term changes to meat eating (see for example this article in The Conversation by Lawrence, Becker and Hearn).
I’ve never taken part in Veganuary – I have a bit of an odd diet anyway – the best description of my ethical stance is “pescetarian”. I haven’t eaten meat since I was about 16. But later in my adulthood I found out I have an intolerance to dairy (and wheat) so I don’t have any milk, butter or cheese type things. However, I do eat fish, shellfish, eggs and products like honey. As about 3 or 4 of my main meals each week are vegan, I never really considered Veganuary as a ‘thing’ to try.
But last year in January 2024, I read an article in The Conversation by Selwyn. Continue reading