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Search Help

Using the Banner Search Box

Using the Advanced Search

     Search Fields

     Search Limits

     Search Operators: "ANDs," "ORs," and "NOTs"

Searching in English, Spanish, and Portuguese


Using the Banner Search Box

Enter words with or without accents and other diacritics in the banner search box and hit return to start your search.

Words are automatically truncated. For example, type in crim and HAPI will find articles with the words crime, criminals, crimen, crímenes.

Results will include all words entered in the search box except for common words such as the, a, and, y, os, el, etc. Use quotation marks to force a search that includes all your terms; for example, "war on drugs" searches for that exact phrase. To combine or exclude terms, use the Advanced Search. All fields are included in the Banner Search Box search.


Using the Advanced Search

Search Fields

Let's take a look at some search fields and how to use them. The image below shows the advanced search fields (title, author, journal, subject, and keyword), and what they correspond with in an article record:

Advanced search fields and their corresponding location in article records

Keyword - Searches most fields in HAPI records (journal title, article title, authors, subjects, abstracts, and additional descriptors). It's best to use this when you're just starting your research and want a very broad search.

Author - Searches for articles written by a specific person. You can also browse all author names in HAPI with Browse Names option.

Note: this list only shows names of authors not names of people who are the subject of an article.

Author browse

Title - Searches in the article title field and our Additional Descriptors field (because we often put English translations of important title words here).

Subject - Searches the Additional Descriptors field and HAPI Subject Headings. These headings describe the subject content of the article and may provide more targeted results. Use the Browse Subjects option to view a list of all HAPI Subject Headings.

Note: this searches English, Spanish, and Portuguese versions of the headings.

Subject browse

Journal - Use this field if you're searching for a specific journal. Use the Browse Journal options to see all the journals in HAPI or check out the Journals in HAPI page for more details.

Journal title browse

See the Search Fields Help table for a quick reference guide on these different searches and how best to use them.


Search Limits

You can limit your results by using the following advanced search options:

Search limits

Publication year: limit to articles published before, after, or between specific years

Limit by language: only show results that are written in the selected language(s)

Full-text: limit to articles that have links to the online full text of the article

Limit to peer-reviewed journals: limit results to articles in journals that peer-review in their editorial process

Limit to citations about US Hispanics/Latinos: only show articles related to this population in the US

Exclude book reviews: limit to articles that are not book reviews (HAPI stopped indexing book reviews in 2001)

See the Search Limits Help table for a quick reference guide on using these limits.


Search Operators: "ANDs," "ORs," and "NOTs"

Search operators allow you to expand or narrow your searches using AND, OR, NOT.

Location of drop-down menu for Boolean operators Broaden or expand your search results: separate your search terms with OR.

Narrow or limit your search results: separate your search terms with AND. But remember that words within one search box are automatically separated by AND.

Look for citations that contain one of your search terms, but NOT the other.

Note: the default order of operations for a search in HAPI is:

1. AND

2. OR

3. NOT


Example 1: Using AND

If you want to search for article records that include the words haciendas and mexico, simply put both words in one search box:

Search example: haciendas, Mexico

If you want articles that are written by Fidel Castro and are about the United States you can use AND to join 2 different types of searches:

Search example: Fidel Castro as author AND United States as subject

Example 2: Using NOT

Try this if you want articles that will include the words mexico and sex role but will exclude articles that include the word women:

Search example: sex role, Mexico NOT women

Example 3: Using OR

Another example, this time using the OR operator:

Search example: Bolivia crime OR Bolivia violence

This search will be interpreted as (Bolivia AND crime) OR (Bolivia AND violence). That is, articles will include both of the words in the first search box or articles will include both of the words in the second search box.


Searching in English, Spanish, and Portuguese

To view the Spanish or Portuguese version of the HAPI site click on the Español or Português link at the top of the page.

The same articles are in each version of the site; use the language limit on the Advanced search page if you only want articles written in one or more specific languages.

HAPI Subjects Headings are in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. You can search in all 3 languages in any version of the site. However, the English Subject Headings will be displayed in your results in the English version of the site, the Spanish Subject Headings in the Spanish version, and the Portuguese Subject Headings in the Portuguese version. For example, you can search in the English site using the HAPI subject heading Mercado de trabajo but the English version of the subject heading (Labor market) will display in the records.