Let $F$ be a non-Archimedean local field with odd characteristic $p$. Let $N$ be a positive integer and $G=Sp_{2N}(F)$. By work of Lomel\'i on $\gamma$-factors of pairs and converse theorems, a generic supercuspidal representation $\pi$ of $G$ has a transfer to a smooth irreducible representation $\Pi_\pi$ of $GL_{2N+1}(F)$. In turn the Weil-Deligne representation $\Sigma_\pi$ associated to $\Pi_\pi$ by the Langlands correspondence determines a Langlands parameter $\phi_\pi$ for $\pi$. That process produces a Langlands correspondence for generic cuspidal representations of $G$. In this paper we take $\pi$ to be simple in the sense of Gross and Reeder, and from the explicit construction of $\pi$ we describe $\Pi_\pi$ explicitly. The method we use is the same as in our previous paper arXiv:2310.20455, where we treated the case where $F$ is a $p$-adic field, and $\pi$ a simple supercuspidal representation of $G=Sp_{2N}(F)$. It relies on a criterion due to Moeglin on the reducibility of representations parabolically induced from $GL_M(F)\times G$ for varying positive integers $M$. We extend this criterion to the case when $F$ has any positive characteristic. The main new feature consists in relating reducibility to $\gamma$-factors for pairs.
Mathématiques [math]Origine | Fichiers produits par l'(les) auteur(s) |
Corinne BLONDEL : Connectez-vous pour contacter le contributeur
Soumis le : mercredi 20 novembre 2024-10:18:42
Dernière modification le : jeudi 28 novembre 2024-03:21:21
Dates et versions
- HAL Id : hal-04792555 , version 1
- ARXIV : 2406.15767
Corinne Blondel, Guy Henniart, Shaun Stevens. Reducibility points and characteristic $p$ local fields I- Simple supercuspidal representations of symplectic groups. 2024. ⟨hal-04792555⟩