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Fast ETH to BTC Exchange

Guarda Wallet is a fast and easy way to exchange Ethereum for Bitcoin. The ETH to BTC converter will allow you to get competitive rates. So why wait? Start swapping!

How to Exchange Ethereum to Bitcoin

On the main page of the wallet, select the ‘Exchange’ tab

Choose crypto you want to convert: ETH to BTC

Input the amount of eth you want to exchange and click the ‘Exchange’ button

Enter the BTC payout address (Recipient Wallet) — your wallet address

Review the transaction details and click ‘Next’

Once the exchange is completed, your BTC will be sent to your wallet

Exchange ETH to BTC with Low Fees

With multiple security features and a user-friendly interface, Guarda Wallet is the perfect place to enjoy low fees and fast transaction times for crypto exchanges.


Trusted and Secure Exchange for Bitcoin and Others

No Limits

No Limits

We do not set any limits, you can make as many exchanges as you need.



You do not have to go through an authorization procedure, so all your exchanges will be completely private.



The exchanges that take place at Guarda are made in a matter of minutes, allowing you to save time.



Our exchange rates are carefully selected so that our customers are satisfied and know that our offers are among the best on the market.

Popular Ethereum pairs for exchange

You can easily and securely swap ETH to BTC or to another cryptocurrency with the browser or desktop and on the go via mobile. Just choose a crypto pair you want to swap.

All Ethereum trading pairs for exchange

Popular crypto pairs for exchange

All trading pairs for exchange

Swap ETH to BTC without KYC or registration

Make the most of Guarda's decentralized and non-custodial service to exchange crypto without complicated registration.

Exchange Now


How do I get an USDT ERC20 wallet?

To purchase ERC20, you will need a wallet with storage and purchase capabilities; one of the best is Guarda Wallet. First, create an account, add the new ERC20 tokens, and then save the backup. Guarda Wallet is available as a mobile app for Android and iOS devices, a desktop app, a web wallet, and a browser extension.

How much is the ERC20 fee?

The average price per Ethereum gas is at the current level of 23.74 gwei, 82.92% less than a year ago. A year ago, this figure was 139.01 gwei.

How does an USDT ERC20 wallet work?

Guarda ERC20 wallet is digital storage for managing all Ethereum-based tokens. Most cryptocurrencies and ERC20 tokens can be stored in this wallet and used for transactions. Guarda Wallet is simple to use. These wallets are quick and easy to manage.