More Web Proxy on the site
Renovate dependency upgrades become even better by showing the upgrade stats collected across all projects.
Flexible and powerful automatic dependency upgrades for NPM packages.
Perform any action based on commits since last action.
Automatic period dependency update without much hassle.
Setting up a rock solid NPM module with semantic release in 30 seconds.
How to patch a bug, use the fix in prod and submit the pull request in five minutes.
My favorite semantic release plugins.
4 Ops things that I am excited about today.
How to setup semantic release on private GitLab and on-premises NPM registry.
How to bundle a server including private modules and static files.
Using NPM hooks and Zeit to send the semantic release notes to Slack.
How to use semantic versioning with external services.
Deploying several microservices into the cloud with Tutum.
Deploying website and microservice containers to production.
Building microservices with Fuge
How to use CircleCI to publish new versions of your NPM modules.
How to monkey patch a broken global Node package, if you have to.
How to measure size and publish smaller modules to NPM.
Companion notes to the "Self-improving software" presentation
How to include version and useful meta information in the JavaScript libraries.
Proposal for The O'Reilly Software Architecture Conference 2015
Measuring how close a library follows semver semantics when publishing new releases.
Check if your current module breaks other modules before publishing.
Keep dependecies up to date to get bug and performance fixes, not features.
Large projects have lots of downsides, split them up.
Keep dependencies up to date using next-update
Split large projects into small modules.
Quickly verify that necessary top level dependencies are installed.