More Web Proxy on the site
How detect duplicate content or attributes on the page from a Cypress test.
Using functional programming to write retry-able assertion callbacks for checking if the table column is sorted.
How to use Maybe Monad to make your server middleware a little bit easier to reason about.
Quickly stringing data transformation using standard Ramda functions.
A few examples of introducing functional programming into existing code.
Connecting Kliesli compositions or the advantages of good pipe insulation.
Using functional lenses to modify objects by example.
Refactor code using functional approach (Maybe, immutable).
Deriving Y Combinator that makes recursive functions without assignments possible.
Array or Observable - Ramda can do both!
Why would you want a function in a box?
How to enforce a custom condition on a string.
Replacing the built-in OR and TERNARY operators with Maybe monads.
When every function is pure, advanced async actions are easy.
A functor hides some piece of common imperative code (and makes it composable)
Imperative If/Else example implemented using Either monads and reactive style.
Array, Promise and Maybe monads. Plus Docker is a functor.
FrontEndCamp NYC presentation about Cycle.js framework.
Links to projects mentioned during BuzzJS presentation.
How to start and get better at using JavaScript in functional way.
Links to additional information included in my CycleCond 2016 presentation.
The difficulty using Promises vs the simplicity using reactive streams
How is Cycle.js a pure framework if I can listen to the UI events and output new DOM?
Small functional tips for RxJS
Test function for purity using isolated v8 execution context.
What to do if you want to compose multiple functions (hint - make them unary).
Refactoring common auth flow from callbacks into Tasks.
Once you have a Promise instance the action has already started. Task instance does not run until someone calls .fork()
How to pass logic instead of data in functional programming.
How to wrap functions that depend on the environment for clean unit testing.
Eval is limited in its power plus the only time I found `this` variable useful.
Changing a piece of imperative code to be purely functional
Bind some properties in the options object.
Grab a subset of a complex object using functional-extract utility.
Adding new features to an existing function via lifting.
Replace if conditions with functors and applicatives.
Simplify middleware using higher-order functions.
How to remove boilerplate from intermediate steps using partial application or currying.
Count a specific word in a text file using streams and reactive programming.
The difference between JavaScript context binding and partial argument application.
Implementing every other array method using reduce.
A use case where point-free event callback does not work well.
Modern promise-based or event-driven JavaScript no longer uses returned values.
How to find the first item after the second number in an array.
Ignoring some arguments and partial binding for methods calls.
FP in plain JavaScript using partial application, composition, closures and higher-order functions.
A common feature implemented in object-oriented and functional styles.
Thunkifying is currying, argument reordering and middleware stacks.
You should use iterator methods for clarity and fewer side effects.
Feeding fake variables to a function taken out of its lexical scope.
Plus easy promise chaining using Ramda.
Eliminate variables and functions via flexible selective application.
Functor + Applicative = Applier
Functor Promise together with Maybe applicative.
Test function for purity using lexical scope and runtime context.
Prepare for future async data flow by wrapping primitives in promises.
Selective argument binding using lodash, ramda and heroin
Iterating over objects using lodash functions.
Writing a functional adaptor makes a nice interview question.
An argument for trying Ramda if you love _
Example refactoring a block of code containing OR condition
Same simple problem solved in different programming styles.
One can easily apply too much or wrong type of curry.
Make constructor functions work without "new" keyword in callbacks.
Combining functions into custom iterator callbacks and using _ will be easier if you put callback function first and data second.
Tiny library functional-pipeline composes functions in left to right order.
Example refactoring a block of code containing AND condition
Extend simple feature with little functional decorators.
unary, once, time, fluent and tap
Adapting signatures and preserving context in iterators.