Public Safety Data
Data management, which enables data-driven decision making, is a complex but necessary effort that allows the Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention and Policy to develop, implement, and measure outcomes for initiatives intended to increase public safety in Maryland. In order to better understand threats, develop policy, and provide pertinent information to the Governor and his administration, the Office continues to develop a data sharing system across the State. The Office works to establish clear memorandums of understanding with agencies regarding the sharing and use of information. The Office also establishes policies to ensure the security of the data and appropriate usage, and the proper storage and dissemination of information in accordance with existing memorandums of understanding and industry best practices. Through existing memorandums and legislative requirements, the Office partners with local, State, and federal organizations to collect aggregate data in order to analyze and present the data in a meaningful way.
Juvenile Justice Division
The Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention and Policy envisions a comprehensive trauma-informed approach to services provided in communities to improve the overall well-being of youth and families in Maryland, and give youth the opportunity to grow through positive interactions with the community and one another. To highlight our efforts towards a trauma-informed approach, the Office creates data dashboards to illuminate the success of programs and in furtherance of data-informed policy.
Public Safety
The Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention and Policy facilitates federal, State, and local level coordination across disciplines to effectively and efficiently reduce and prevent crime in Maryland. The Maryland Statistical Analysis Center is, in turn, tasked with collecting and presenting data on law enforcement and correctional activities for legislative reports and other requirements. In the interest of transparency and accountability, the Center creates data dashboards to highlight the activities of various public safety agencies across the State, ranging from traffic stops to SWAT deployments.
Centers of Excellence
The Centers of Excellence reside within the Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention and Policy to advise the Office on efforts that support Maryland communities in improving the criminal justice response to, and treatment of, individuals with mental illness, reducing the incarceration of individuals with behavioral health needs, and providing linkages to treatment. In this role, the Centers works with State and local partners to complete jurisdictional Sequential Intercept Model (SIM) mapping reports as well as implement crisis intervention model programs. To illustrate these efforts, the Office creates data dashboards to highlight the completion and implementation of such reports and programs.