A source code repository for the generalized weighted social network model (GWSN model) and its meta-modeling and sensitivity analysis.
Clone the repository with its submodules.
git clone --recursive git@github.com:yohm/GWSN_metamodeling.git
MPI and OpenMP are prerequisites. To install these prerequisites on macOS, run the following.
brew install libomp
brew install openmpi
After installing the prerequisites, build the executables using CMake.
mkdir -t build
cd build
cmake ..
It makes two executables, wsn.out
and search.out
- wsn.out runs a single Monte Carlo simulation for GWSN model.
- search.out runs a number of simulations sampling parameter space in order to prepare training data for meta-modeling.
On supercomputer Fugaku, run the shell script as follows.
To run a single GWSN model, run wsn.out
after preparing _input.json
file in the current directory. The format of the _input.json
file is the following.
"net_size":5000, // the size of the network
"p_tri":0.2, // the probability to close the traids during Local Attachment
"p_r":0.001, // the probability of forming a link during Global Attachment
"p_nd":0.0001, // the probability of Node Deletion
"p_ld":0.005, // the probability of Link Deletion
"aging":0.0001, // the speed of Link Aging. Larger value corresponds to a faster decay of link weight.
"w_th":0.5, // the threshold of removing a link
"w_r":1.0, // the amount of link reinforcement during Local Attachment
"q":3, // the number of distinct values in each feature
"F":8, // the length of feature vector
"alpha":0.0, // geographic factor
"t_max":50000, // maximum time step
"_seed":1234567890 // seed of the random number generator
After you execute the command, you'll find the output file _output.json
, that contains the network property of the generated network.
$ vi _input.json # set parameters
$ ./wsn.out # execution of the simulator
$ cat _output.json # output is stored in _output.json
A sample of _output.json
is like the following:
"average_degree": 45.844,
"average_link_weight": 20.84398215897621,
"clustering_coefficient": 0.05834940516339395,
"link_overlap": 0.0280994751715939,
"pcc_c_k": -0.6182153734185948,
"pcc_k_knn": -0.003892285713515246,
"pcc_link_overlap_weight": 0.585569014394968,
"percolation_fc_ascending": 1.3108518749999734,
"percolation_fc_descending": 0.9132984374999735,
"stddev_degree": 10.81091296643507
To integrate the wsn.out with OACIS, register the following command as a simulation command.
To execute a search.out, set OMP_NUM_THREADS
and run using mpiexec
The command line arguments are N_init
, duration(sec)
, N_sample
, seed
. The output is printed in standard output.
env OMP_NUM_THREADS=2 mpiexec -n 8 ../search.out 3 10 2 1234 > training_data.txt
To execute on supercomputer Fugaku, submit a job using pjsub
command. Sample code is available in job_search/
We use several python packages for regression and sensitivity analyses such as keras and tensorflow. Install these python pre-requisites using pipenv.
pipenv install # install pre-requisites
pipenv shell # activate the shell on which the packages are available
The code for the regression analysis is in learning/
Run multi_layer_perceptron.py
to conduct regression using multi-layer perceptron having three hidden layers.
You can set the hyper-parameters in _input.json
file which looks like the following:
"ycol": 0,
"units1": 30,
"units2": 10,
"units3": 0,
"activation": "relu",
"lr": 0.001,
"batch_size": 200,
"epochs": 2000
specifies which column to read as the training data.- specify an integer ranging
. 0~7 respectively indicates average degree, stndard deviation of degree, average weight, assortativity coefficient, clustering coefficient,rho_{ck}
, link overlap,rho_{Ow}
- specify an integer ranging
are the number of units in hidden layersactivation
: functional form of the activation function. The available options arerelu
: learning ratebatch_size
: batch sizeepochs
: The number of epochs. Note that the learning may terminate earlier when the loss function for the validation set does not improve for a certain amount of steps.
After setting up _input.json
, run the script giving the path to the training data as follows.
python multi_layer_perceptron.py training_data.txt
The results (the values of the loss function for the training set and the validation set) are shown in _output.json
file like the following:
{"min_val_loss": 0.10936633497476578, "min_loss": 0.11838668584823608}
You'll also find loss.png
file that shows the time evolutions of the error functions. The regression model is saved in model.h5
To integrate it with OACIS, register the command as follows: (change the path according to your environment)
env PIPENV_PIPFILE=~/path/to/repo/Pipfile pipenv run python ~/path/to/repo/learning/multi_layer_perceptron.py ~/path/to/training_data.txt
The script calc_predicted.py
makes plots that compare the regression model and simulations.
Before running this script, run simulations on OACIS. These results are collected when executing this script and the figures are made.
To show the regression results on a web browser, convert h5 file to a JS file:
cd chart
tensorflowjs_converter --input_format keras model.h5 converted_k
Save converted results for each output into the directories converted_k
, converted_kk
, converted_w
, converted_cc
, converted_ck
, converted_o
, converted_ow
, converted_perc_a
, converted_perc_d
Then, launch a web server and open index.html
The meta-models obtained by the regression are available in docs
directory. Find model_*.h5
A scrirpt to conduct global sensitivity analysis is in sensitivity_analysis/sensitivity_analysis.py
. The sensitivity analysis is conducted against the meta-model (regression model) so make sure to run regression first.
After you prepared the metamodel, run the script like
python sensitivity_analysis.py
Yohsuke Murase, Hang-Hyun Jo, János Török, János Kertész, Kimmo Kaski "Deep Learning Exploration of Agent-Based Social Network Model Parameters" Frontiers in Big Data, 4, 86 (2021)