OneFlow is a deep learning framework designed to be user-friendly, scalable and efficient.
Depth Pro: Sharp Monocular Metric Depth in Less Than a Second.
Helpful tools and examples for working with flex-attention
The calflops is designed to calculate FLOPs、MACs and Parameters in all various neural networks, such as Linear、 CNN、 RNN、 GCN、Transformer(Bert、LlaMA etc Large Language Model)
A high-throughput and memory-efficient inference and serving engine for LLMs
Triton implementation of FlashAttention2 that adds Custom Masks.
Ring attention implementation with flash attention
NumPy aware dynamic Python compiler using LLVM
InstantStyle: Free Lunch towards Style-Preserving in Text-to-Image Generation 🔥
depyf is a tool to help you understand and adapt to PyTorch compiler torch.compile.
how to optimize some algorithm in cuda.
A latent text-to-image diffusion model
APISR: Anime Production Inspired Real-World Anime Super-Resolution (CVPR 2024)
[arXiv 2024] Follow-Your-Click: This repo is the official implementation of "Follow-Your-Click: Open-domain Regional Image Animation via Short Prompts"
[CVPR 2024] Real-Time Open-Vocabulary Object Detection
Code release for CVPR 2024 paper LEOD: Label-Efficient Object Detection for Event Cameras
A Pytorch implementation of StyleGAN2