"the Phoeron" Colin J.E. Lupton
Mad-scientist supervillain with a hero complex and recovering serial entrepreneur.
Quantum Computing, Lisp Hacker, multi-medium artist, musician, and author.
Toronto, Canada
Andy Stewart
Linux, Emacs开源社区从业二十余载
懒猫微服CEO, 不端不装, 仗剑走天涯
客官喜欢, 欢迎买我家的懒猫微服 https://lazycat.cloud/
http://www.linakesi.com China
Jason Rohrer
Since 2004, I have designed, programmed, and released 18 games, including Passage, Sleep Is Death, and The Castle Doctrine. Working on One Hour One Life.
New Hampshire, USA
Xiao Hanyu
Machines should do all the hard work, freeing people to think.
@ppresume Hangzhou