Xcalscan Jenkins plugin is a plugin for Jenkins to prepare and trigger scan in xcalscan
Xcalscan is a SAST (Static Application Security Testing) tools which use for source code scanning and report potential defects. The Jenkins plugin enable user to prepare and trigger scanning procss in the the xcalscan server.
Install Maven and run the following:
git clone https://github.com/xcalcc/xcalscanjenkinsplugin.git
cd xcalscanjenkinsplugin
mvn package
The instruction how to install the plugin by uploading hpi file here
- Navigate to the Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins page in the web UI.
- Click on the Advanced tab.
- Choose the .hpi file under the Upload Plugin section.
- Upload the plugin file.
View as graph by cope below code to here
title Scan workflow with Jenkins Plugin
actor "user" as u
participant "Git" as g
participantgroup **Jenkins**
participant "Jenkins Server" as j
participantgroup **Jenkins Slave**
participant "Jenkins Plugin\n(Xcalscan build step)" as jp
participant "Xcalclient" as xc
participant "Xcalscan Server" as xs
activate u
activate g
u<--g:push result
deactivateafter u
activate j
g<--j:http resposne ack
deactivateafter g
j->jp:process build step
activate jp
jp->xc:invoke client with CLI
activate xc
xc->xc:collect source code and all necessary information
activate xc
deactivateafter xc
activate xc
deactivateafter xc
xc->xs:upload pre-processed file, source code, other necessary files
activate xs
xs->]:store file to storage
deactivateafter xs
xc->xs:start scan
activate xs
xc<--xs:scan task id
jp<--xc:start scan result
deactivateafter xc
activate xs
deactivateafter xs
xs->xs:store result
activate xs
xs->]:store result to database
deactivate xs
deactivateafter xs
jp->xs:query scan task id by project id
activate xs
jp<--xs:scan task id
deactivateafter xs
loop untill status is failed or completed
jp->xs:query scan task status
activate xs
jp<--xs:scan task status
deactivateafter xs
jp->xs:query scan result
activate xs
jp<--xs:scan result
deactivateafter xs
j<--jp:build step status
deactivateafter jp
deactivateafter j