If you like this, give me a star!
If you want to close keyborad when hud show, add config
to appdelegate
[VWProgressHUD configure];
Easy to use
[[VWProgressHUD shareInstance] showLoading];
[[VWProgressHUD shareInstance] showLoadingWithTip:@"Hello World"];
[[VWProgressHUD shareInstance] showDoneMsg:@"Hello, This's done msg"];
If you need change style, you just need edit config
NSInteger const kVWDminantColor = 0x000000;//主色调
NSInteger const kVWLoadingColor = 0xffffff;//loading颜色
NSInteger const kVWTextColor = 0xffffff;//文字颜色
NSInteger const kVWImageColor = 0xffffff;//图片颜色
CGFloat const kVWDefaultAlpha = 0.95f;//透明度
CGFloat const kVWPadding = 10.f;//分割宽度
CGFloat const kVWMaxTextWidth = 150.f;//最大文字宽度
CGFloat const kVWDefaultTipFontSize = 15.f;//主标题字体大小
CGFloat const kVWDefaultSubFontSize = 12.f;//副标题字体大小
CGFloat const kVWLoadingDelayTime = 10.f;//loading延迟时间
CGFloat const kVWContentMinWidth = 80.f;//最小内容宽度
CGFloat const kVWContentMaxWidth = 150.f;//最大内容宽度
CGFloat const kVWMessageDelayTime = 3.f;//Message存在时间
CGFloat const kVWDefaultAnimationTime = 0.25f;//动画时间
BOOL const isShowkVWDefaultLoadingTip = NO;//是否显示默认loading文字
NSString const * kVWDefaultLoadingTip = @"Loading...";//默认loading文字
NSString const *kVWDismissNotification = @"kVWDismissNotification";
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
VWProgressHUD is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "VWProgressHUD"
Vaith, vaithwee@yeah.net
VWProgressHUD is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.