A simpler site generator. Transforms a directory of templates (of varying types) into HTML.
Dec 2, 2024 - JavaScript
Eleventy (stylized as 11ty) is a JavaScript-based alternative to Jekyll, built by @zachleat. It can transform template files of various formats into HTML. Eleventy's mascot is an opossum suspended by a red balloon.
A simpler site generator. Transforms a directory of templates (of varying types) into HTML.
A high performance blog template for the 11ty static site generator.
A scaffold for a quick start building with the Eleventy SSG
🌱 A starter site for building a mind garden with eleventy
Utility to perform build-time image transformations.
The modern web setup for static sites with a sprinkle of JavaScript
An Eleventy starter project built to be fast
Statichunt is a free open-source Jamstack directory that lists hundreds of themes, starters, and resources for static sites.
Платформа Доки: шаблоны, стили, скрипты и всё для сборки сайта
Use Vue.js templates and Vue.js single file components in Eleventy.
A minimal 11ty starting point for building static websites with modern tools.
A simple landing page built with 11ty and Tailwind CSS.
Eleventy plugin that adds blurry placeholders & lazy loading to your images
A pack of Eleventy plugins for syntax highlighting in Markdown, Liquid, and Nunjucks templates.
Adds support for WebC *.webc files to Eleventy
A service to add web page screenshots to your Eleventy sites.