Docker container with utilities to process YAML files (yamllint...).
Mar 1, 2025 - Dockerfile
A Dockerfile is used to build Docker Images. It is a simple text file that consists of a set of instructions or commands that is executed by an automated build process in steps from top to bottom.
Docker container with utilities to process YAML files (yamllint...).
Docker container with utilities to process XML data (xmllint...).
Run TOR conveniently from a docker container.
Docker container to run PDF manipulation utitilies (pdftk, ghostscript...).
Docker container to run the Maven Versions plugin.
Exercício 4: Princípios SOLID - Refatoração para aderir aos princípios SOLID com explicações no código.
A convenient way to run LaTeX on various platform using Docker (latexmk, pdflatex...).
Docker container with utilities to process JSON data (jq, jsonlint...).
Docker container to manipulate images (imagemagick, exiftool...).
Docker container with utilities to compute hashes (CRC32, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-512, Argon2...).
Docker container to run CSV manipulation utitilies (csvkit...).
Docker container to cipher/decipher/sign data (gnupg, openssl...).
Docker container to compress/decompress data (zip, gzip, 7zip, bzip2...).
Docker container to run the AWS CLI and related tools.
Nighthawk Pages 3.0. This is a GitHub Pages project that includes support for Jupyter Notebooks. The project provides a game, lessons and projects to support the teaching of Career Technical Educations and AP courses: Computer Science and Software Engineering (CSSE), Computer Science Principles (CSP), and Computer Science A (CSA).
CSSS Discord Bot (Wall-E)
Useful n8n resources: list of community nodes and tutorials
FastAPI web service for processing receipts and calculating points for the Fetch Rewards Receipt Processor Challenge.
A lightweight http server providing a web UI for entity search through the senzing api server.