Slicon enables setting icon to your slack channels, and it makes easier to access your favorite channels.
Icon made by channel purpose or name, so it is shared with members using this extension.
- Firefox
- Chrome
- By default, shown identicon as icon.
- If image's url was set into channel purpose, shown it as icon.
- Confuguration format:
- Write above config text on independent line. (FYI: Press
to insert new line)
- Confuguration format:
- Shown user's/app's avator as icon.
- On multiparty direct message, shown identicon as icon. (can't change now)
- Mobile icon by Icons8
- Expensive icon by Icons8
- Purse icon by Icons8
- Shopping Cart icon by Icons8
- Python icon by Icons8
- Java Duke icon by Icons8
- Java icon by Icons8
- JavaScript icon by Icons8
- C Sharp Logo icon by Icons8
- Hierarchy icon by Icons8
- Business Building icon by Icons8
- Staff icon by Icons8
- Commercial icon by Icons8
- Notification icon by Icons8