Icon font library for Objective C. Currently supports Entypo.Swift version is here. Entypoをシンボルフォントで呼び出せるObjectiveCライブラリです。Swit版はこちら
font used in this project
Author of the font used in this project: Entypo Link: http://www.entypo.com/
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
#import "EntypoSymbol.h"
EntypoSymbol *symbol = [EntypoSymbol iconWithCode:EntypoIconCode.behance fontSize:30.f];
[symbol addAttribute:NSForegroundColorAttributeName value:[UIColor blackColor]];
UIImage *image = [symbol image];
// UIImage *image = [symbol imageWithSize:CGSizeMake(30, 30)];
pod EntypoSymbolObjC
- Font Library
- MaterialDesignSymbol Swift
- EntypoSymbol Swift
- MaterialDesignSymbolObjC ObjectiveC
- EntypoSymbolObjC ObjectiveC
- Color Library
- MaterialDesignColor Swift
- MaterialDesignColorObjC ObjectiveC