Given some JavaScript and the line on which a function is defined it returns comments and jsdocs found right above that function.
var functionComment = require('function-comment');
var fs = require('fs');
* Adds c to d and then multiplies the result with d.
* @name doingStuff
* @function
* @param c {Number}
* @param d {Number}
* @return {Number} overall result
function doingStuff (c, d) {
return (c + d) * d
// the function whose comment we are trying to find is on line 13
var lineno = 13;
fs.readFile(__filename, 'utf8', function (err, src) {
if (err) return console.error(err);
var res = functionComment(src, lineno);
console.log('start: ', res.startline);
console.log('end: ', res.endline);
* Adds c to d and then multiplies the result with d.
* @name doingStuff
* @function
* @param c {Number}
* @param d {Number}
* @return {Number} overall result
start: 5
end: 13
npm install function-comment
* Finds any consecutive comment above the given line of code in the source.
* @name exports
* @function
* @param src {String} the JavaScript source
* @param lineno {Number} the number where the function is located (1 based)
* @return {Object} {
* comment : comment string or empty if none was found
* startline : line on which the comment starts or 0 if no comment was found
* endline : line on which the comment ends or 0 if no comment was found
* }