Authors: Thevaa Chandereng and Anthony Gitter
Lag Penalized Weighted Correlation (LPWC) is a method for clustering short time series data. It is designed to identify groups of biological entities (for example, genes or phosphosites) that exhibit the same pattern of activity changes over time. LPWC allows lags to incorporate delayed responses in the biological data. For example, two genes may have similar expression changes over time, but one initiates those changes 5 minutes after the other. LPWC also supports irregular time intervals between time points collected in biological data. The LPWC website is available here.
Prior to analyzing your data, the R package needs to be installed.
The easiest way to install LPWC is through CRAN 61F0 :
There are other additional ways to download LPWC. The first option is most useful if want to download a specific version of LPWC (which can be found at
# OR
devtools::install_version("LPWC", version = "x.x.x", repos = "")
The second option is to download through GitHub.
After successful installation, the package must be loaded into the working space:
See the vignette for usage instructions.
If you use LPWC, please cite
Lag Penalized Weighted Correlation for Time Series Clustering. Thevaa Chandereng, Anthony Gitter. bioRxiv 2018. doi:10.1101/292615
LPWC is available under the open source MIT license.