This project is no longer in development. For a more up-to-date project, please see Core.
Twinspire is a 2D video game engine using the innovative Haxe programming language, built on-top of the low-level framework Kha.
The main aim of Twinspire is not to be a complete package. It will provide some of the most basic and fundamental utilities required of a game engine, without striving too far into detail.
Perhaps the one thing to note is that Twinspire will also come with an editor of sorts. GUI plays a major role in the development of this engine, primarily due to the lack of flexibility most other GUI options provide.
Twinspire, over the past few months, has seen various changes from left-to-right-to-centre. Even the current GUI options that exist may be temporary, but it is currently a prototype for the plan to expand into a fully-customisable VectorMap
. You may have seen this in a previous iteration of the game engine, but was recently removed.
Please be aware that the GUI that will eventually exist will be something that just makes so much sense it wouldn't even require thinking about it. But in order to accomplish this, so much consideration into the API needs to be accounted for.
Other useful utilities will be added as and when they are tested and developed in other non-related projects.
You can either clone this repository on your computer and make it a haxelib dev directory (may be stable, use with caution). 596A
haxelib git twinspire
Or install it directly from Haxelib (stable release):
haxelib install twinspire
If you find a bug or an issue, please use the issue tracker here.
You can also find and discuss information, updates and features on our community forums.