- Pro
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GMA - Gamified Marketing Application - Data Bases 2 - Java EE Project - A.Y. 2020-2021
Java UpdatedMay 7, 2021 -
CLup-SE2-Project-2021 Public
CLup - Customers Line-up - Software Engineering 2 - Requirement Engineering and Design Project - A.Y. 2020-2021
IngSw-Project-2020 Public
Prova Finale di Ingegneria del Software - Polimi Ingegneria Informatica - A.A. 2019-2020
RL-Project-2020 Public
Prova Finale di Reti Logiche - Polimi Ingegneria Informatica - A.A. 2019-2020
API-Project-2019 Public
Prova Finale di Algoritmi e Strutture Dati - Polimi Ingegneria Informatica - A.A. 2018-2019
C 496B UpdatedMay 29, 2020 -
ts3phpframework Public
Forked from planetteamspeak/ts3phpframeworkModern use-at-will framework that provides individual components to manage TeamSpeak 3 Server instances
PHP GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedSep 12, 2018 -