WIT demo for SWHacks
Interactive (terminal) & messenger demos on nodejs & python.
1 Download/clone the repo 2 Install the modules
npm install
3 To run the interactive demo, do
node pizza.js
4 Create a .env file and paste your facebook page access token. (Only needed for the facebook demo)
5 To run the messenger demo, do
node messenger-pizza.js
- Replace the WIT access token inside pizza.js & messenger-pizza.js with yours.
You can use mine to see how it works though. If you want to customize your wit, use yours to reflect changes.
1 Go into your virtual env 2 Install the packages
pip install wit
pip install requests
pip install bottle
3 To run the interactive demo, do
python pizza.py
4 Create a .env file and paste your facebook page access token. (Only needed for the facebook demo)
5 To run the messenger demo, do
python messenger-pizza.py
6 Replace the WIT access token inside pizza.js & messenger-pizza.js with yours.
You can use mine to see how it works though. If you want to customize your wit, use yours to reflect changes.
- The wit story used for this demo - https://wit.ai/shivkanthb/pizza-test/stories
- Node Wit SDK - https://github.com/wit-ai/node-wit
- Python Wit SDK - https://github.com/wit-ai/pywit
- WIT quickstart - https://wit.ai/docs/quickstart
Reach me @shivkanthb