The project models a family tree based on the image above . All the metadata (name , gender) of every entity is kept exactly as it is given .
- GET_RELATIONSHIP :: Given a name and a relationship, output the people corresponding to the relationship in the order in
which they were added to the family tree. Assume the names of the family members are unique.
Formart : GET_RELATIONSHIP <Name> <Relationship>
- Available RelationShips
Relationships Paternal-Uncle Maternal-Uncle Paternal-Aunt Maternal-Aunt Sister-In-Law Brother-In-Law Son Daughter Siblings Definition Father’s brothers Mother’s brothers Father’s sisters Mother’s sisters Spouse’s sisters, Wives of siblings Spouse’s brothers, Husbands of siblings
ADD_CHILD :: Add a child to any family in the tree through the mother.
Formart : ADD_CHILD <Mother’s-Name> <Child's-Name> <Gender>
⚡ ADD_CHILD Satya Ketu Male
⚡ GET_RELATIONSHIP Chitra Siblings
⚡ GET_RELATIONSHIP Yodhan Paternal-Uncle
Input format is as below -
python -m geektrust <absolute_path_to_input_file>
make_family holds the interface for initial insertion of the family members and their respective relations
with other members.
family handles all actual implementations of the insertion of the family seed data.This module also implements the main singleton object ,
which holds the whole family tree data , to be used across the entire project and updates itself with every add event .
member this is the class for every member object which has the fields name,sex,father,mother,etc.
This module also has various methods like get_father,get_siblings,etc. to get relations and other related data of the member
executor handles the operations that needs to be performed and maps it to the get_attribute methods of the member class