Extended From SQLCover.
This project is based on SQLCover with additional features, bug fix and maintenances planned ahead.
SQLServerCoverage is a tool for checking code coverage (both line and branch) of tests executed in SQL sever 2008 and above.
✅ Generate HTML Report Directly
✅ Branch Coverage
✅ CLI tools for different platforms
✅ Detailed documentation for setup
✅ Output SQL Server Generated Messages during Execution
✅ Generate latest Cobertura Report using 0.4 DTD
✅ Custom HTML Report (Without 3rd party dependency)
✅ Upgraded to .NET 8.0
Download the latest release from the released packages.
Note: If you are unable to find a release compatible for your system, consider building it from the codebase using dotnet
tool .
Read the build section for building the tool.
From the project root directory
dotnet publish src/SQLServerCoverageCore/SQLServerCoverageCore.csproj -c Release -r win-x64 -o "releases/<RUNTIME_IDENTIFIER>" --self-contained true -p:PublishSingleFile=true
put the os version for your system. -
Once finished, fetch the binary from
- Put the tool in a directory of your preference.
- Use the path to that directory as your environment variable
SQLServerCoverageCore --help
Copyright (C) 2024 SQLServerCoverageCore
-v, --verbose Set output to verbose messages.
-c, --command Required. Choose command to run: Currently only Get-CoverTSql available
-e, --exportType Required. Choose export options: Export-OpenXml, Export-BasicHtml, Export-DetailedHtml, Export-Cobertura
-e, --exportType Required. Choose export options: Export-OpenXml, Export-Html, Export-ReportGeneratorHtml, Export-Cobertura
-b, --debug Prints out detailed output.
-p, --requiredParams Get required parameters for a command
-k, --connectionString Connection String to the SQL server
-d, --databaseName Default Database
-q, --query Sql Query, Ex. tSQLt.runAll OR your custom test executor
-o, --outputPath Output Path of The Export Result
-t, --timeout Wait time in Seconds before terminating the attempt to execute test SQL command
-i, --ignore Space separated list of database objects to ignore. Regex Accepted. Case sensitive depending on collationEx."sp_dummy_proc* sp_test_proc"
-i, --ignore Space separated list of database objects to ignore. Regex Accepted. Case sensitive depending on collation. Ex."sp_dummy_proc* sp_test_proc"
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.
Go to the Docker directory and spin up the SQL Server in a docker container
docker-compose -f "./example/Docker/docker-compose.yaml" up -d
Then setup the mock test suite :
SQLServerCoverage>docker exec sql_coverage /opt/mssql-tools18/bin/sqlcmd -S localhost -U sa -P StrONg_P/\$ -i /scripts/mocked_test_suit.sql -C -N -t 30 Changed database context to 'sql_coverage_test'. Configuration option 'show advanced options' changed from 1 to 1. Run the RECONFIGURE statement to install. (3 rows affected)Runt the coverage server
"releases\win-x64/SQLServerCoverageCore" -v true -c Get-CoverTSql -e Export-Html -d "sql_coverage_test" -o "example/Coverage Example/HTML Report" -q "EXEC coverage.sp_process_employee @firstName='John', @lastName='Test', @email='john.test@example.com', @birthDate='1990-01-01', @department='IT', @salary=60000.00, @operation='C'; EXEC coverage.sp_complex_business_logic @department='IT', @salaryAdjustment=5.0, @actionType='A';" -k "Server=localhost,1433;Database=sql_coverage_test;User Id=sa;Password=StrONg_P/\$;TrustServerCertificate=True" -t 30 -i "exclude.sp_maintenance,exclude.sp_cleanup"
Generate the coverage report as xml
SQLServerCoverageCore -v true -c Get-CoverTSql -e Export-OpenXml -d <DATABASE_NAME> -q <Query> -o <OUTPUT_PATH> -k <CONNECTION_STRING>
This will generate the OpenCover xml report in OUTPUT_PATH
along with the source files in the database it is executed.
Generate the coverage report as html. It leverages ReportGenerator to Generate Inline HTML Report of Coverage.
SQLServerCoverageCore -v true -c Get-CoverTSql -e Export-Html -d <DATABASE_NAME> -q <Query> -o <OUTPUT_PATH> -k <CONNECTION_STRING>
tSQLt is a unit testing framework for Microsoft SQL Server.
It can be used with tSQLt framework to check the coverage.
If you have a script you want to cover then you can call:
SQLServerCoverageCore -v true -c Get-CoverTSql -e Export-OpenXml -d <DATABASE_NAME> -q "exec tSQLt.RunAll" -o <OUTPUT_PATH> -k <CONNECTION_STRING>
This will generate a openxml coverage report where you can either examine the amount of statement covered or use the report to generate HTML report using ReportGenerator.
🚧 This will soon be made available to be used from CLI. Now DLL need to be used.
If you want to have more control over what is covered, you can start a coverage session, run whatever queries you like from whatever application and then stop the coverage trace and get the CoverageResults which you can then use to generate a report.
$coverage = new-object SQLServerCoverage.CodeCoverage($connectionString, $database)
#Execute The SQL scripts
$coverageResults = $coverage.Stop()
When we target local sql instances we delete the trace files but when targetting remote instances we are unable to delete the files as we do not (or potentially) do not have access. If this is the case keep an eye on the log directory and remove old "SQLServerCoverage-Trace-.xel" and "SQLServerCoverage-Trace-.xem" files.