Sambotto is a simple tutorial-styled slack bot that uses Slack's RTM to respond to in channel messages with some basic actions.
- Python3
- Slackclient (found in requirements.txt)
- A Slack Bot user
- Follow the instructions to create a classic app, install it into your workspace (you'll have to add scopes to it; remember, it needs to be a CLASSIC APP or RTM won't work!)
- Clone this repository
git clone
and cd into the new directory - Copy
and copy the APP's BOT_TOKEN (without double-quotes) - Create a virtualenv
python3 -m venv .env
- Activate the virtualenv
source .env/bin/activate
- Install the dependencies
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
From your terminal, simply run python3
and interact with the bot in the channel you've invited it to!
If you don't know how to start, simply type help
in the channel and follow the bot's instructions.