This repository contains the Validated
, Extensible
and Available
badges for the Static Analysis Symposium (SAS) Artifact Evaluation. Please include the badges awarded to you in your artifact review. Refer to the SAS Call for Artifacts page for additional details on the badges.
You should add the badges immediately after the abstract. Please use the snippet below (you will need the graphicx
package), with appropriate edits to add the badges awarded to you.
Your abstract
% Snippet for adding SAS badges
\includegraphics[scale=0.16]{sas-artifact-badges/ValidatedBadge.png} \includegraphics[scale=0.16]{sas-artifact-badges/ExtensibleBadge.png} \includegraphics[scale=0.16]{sas-artifact-badges/AvailableBadge.png}%
The SAS Artifact Evaluation badges were designed by Arpita Biswas and Suvam Mukherjee.