👔 A collection of cv and resume templates written in LaTeX. Leave an issue if your language is not supported!
VIP cheatsheets for Stanford's CS 229 Machine Learning
The basic distribution probability Tutorial for Deep Learning Researchers
Python - 100天从新手到大师
GNU toolchain for RISC-V, including GCC
P-NET, Biologically informed deep neural network for prostate cancer classification and discovery
👁️ Python library to plot DNA sequence features (e.g. from Genbank files)
Toolbox - generic utilities for data processing (e.g., parsing, proximity, guild scoring, etc...)
Stacked denoising convolutional autoencoder written in Pytorch for some experiments.
kvector is a small utility for converting motifs to kmer vectors to compare motifs of different lengths
Therapeutics Commons (TDC-2): Multimodal Foundation for Therapeutic Science
A package to perform Random Walk with Restart on different types of networks
Implementation and experiments of graph embedding algorithms.
Source Codes: Rumor Detection on Social Media with Bi-Directional Graph Convolutional Networks--AAAI 2020
A library for efficient similarity search and clustering of dense vectors.
Python Implementation for Random Walk with Restart (RWR)
WWW 2018: Unsupervised Anomaly Detection via Variational Auto-Encoder for Seasonal KPIs in Web Applications
Protein function prediction using a variational autoencoder
with pytorch
안녕하세요, 본 공간은 Variational Autoencoder based Anomaly Detection using Reconstruction Probability 논문을 Pytorch로 구현한 코드를 공유하기 위해 설립된 공간입니다.
pytorch implementation Variational Autoencoder and Conditional Variational Autoencoder
Collection of generative models, e.g. GAN, VAE in Pytorch and Tensorflow.
Header-only C++/python library for fast approximate nearest neighbors