A small bash script builder/framework.
By this way, you will need Bash, cURL, Perl, and coreutils installed. You will not need Git.
curl -L https://github.com/romw314/bashfox/raw/master/install.bash | bash
. ~/.bashrc
Please note that the install script modifies your .bashrc
, which means that you need to use . ~/.bashrc
in order to use BashFOX.
This way you will need Git and coreutils installed.
git clone https://github.com/romw314/bashfox
cd bashfox
chmod 755 bashfox.bash
mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
cp bashfox.bash ~/.local/bin/bashfox
Please ensure that ~/.local/bin
is in your path after manual installation.
You will need Bash, cURL, Perl, and coreutils installed. You will not need Git. If you installed BashFOX with the install script uninstall it with:
curl -L https://github.com/romw314/bashfox/raw/master/uninstall.bash | bash
Elsewhere, simply remove the symlink from ~/.local/bin
rm ~/.local/bin/bashfox
Write your code to .bash
files. See the examples for more information.
Write your en
try code to main.bash
Write your configuration to bashfox.conf
(see the examples).
Compile it using bashfox
# It's important not to place comments on the same line
# as `import`, `debug`, `warn`, or any other BashFOX command.
# `import` imports a script without building it
# (useful for importing libraries that are already built, see lib/lib.bash)
import ../lib/lib.bash
debug "This shows only if you use DEBUG=1"
notice "EXAMPLE notice"
info "hello"
warn "There is no useful code in this script"
if [ "$1" == "hello" ]; then
fatal "The first argument shouldn't be 'hello'"
# Include is the same as `import`, but builds the script.
# Script imported by `include` can contain BashFOX commands.
include extras/help.bash
error "Something went wrong"
# lib.bash is imported only once because of the _LIB_BASH variable.
import ../../lib/lib.bash
if [ "$1" == "help" ]; then
info "USAGE:"
info "$0 $(lib.wrap_in_brackets help) ..."
info "Don't pass 'hello' to the first argument!"
exit 0
# Here we can't use BashFOX commands.
if [ -z "$_LIB_BASH" ]; then
# We don't export this, because we want to re-import the library
# in scripts executed (not imported) from main.bash.
# This library is named 'lib'.
# We don't have namespaces in bash,
# but we can declare functions with a dot.
lib.wrap_in_brackets() {
# Declare uses local variables unless -g is passed, so it is right here.
declare result=''
while (( "$#" )); do
result="$result [$1]"
echo "${result:1}"
OUTPUT=outscript.bash # The output bash script
SOURCE=src # The directory where main.bash is
$ bashfox
BashFOX by romw314
$ ./outscript.bash
[ INFO ] hello
[ WARN ] There is no useful code in this script
[ ERR ] Something went wrong
$ ./outscript.bash hello
[ INFO ] hello
[ WARN ] There is no useful code in this script
[ FATAL] The first argument shouldn't be 'hello'
$ ./outscript.bash help
[ INFO ] hello
[ WARN ] There is no useful code in this script
[ INFO ] ./outscript.bash [help] ...
[ INFO ] Don't pass 'hello' to the first argument!