This library is a python implementation of the LinG3D ( which generates the 3D lineage trees of (1) all clones; (2) individual clones; (3) all clones, but with only those cells that survived to the end of simulation; and (4) individual clones containing only those cells that survived to the end of simulation.
if you are using Linux or macOS you can install pyLinG3D with pip
pip install pyLinG3D
%matplotlib ipympl
from pyLinG3D import LinG3DClone
from platform import python_version
toPrint=1 # save the final figure
IsGradient = 1 # draw drug gradient in the background 1-yes; 0-no;
xmin=-100; xmax=100; ymin=xmin; ymax=xmax # 2D domain boundaries
tmin=0; tmax=100000 # time/iteration boundaries
fileStep = 2000 # frequency of data
Anjun Hu, Maureiq Ojwang’, Kayode Olumoyin, Katarzyna Rejniak
This work was supported by the NIH/NCI grants CA259387 and CA272601, and the NIH/NCI Physical Sciences Oncology Network (PSON) grant CA202229.