This is a hacky PlatformIO project in which Home Assistant data is displayed in an e-ink display.
- Display Hardware on Tindie
- Official GitHub repo for the display
- Great resource at cale-idf wiki on GitHub
- vroland/epdiy: A driver library for eink displays
- Supports our display
.pio/libdeps/esp32dev/epdiy/src/epd_driver/pca9555.c:3:27: fatal error: hal/i2c_types.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
*** [.pio/build/esp32dev/lib9c8/epdiy/epd_driver/pca9555.c.o] Error 1
Manually open these files and comment out the #include lines. See GitHub issue.
- Incompatible arduino-esp32
- PlatformIO issue
- Links to a GitHub repo with the hello world that works
- This works, but I had to delete the whole ~/.platformio dir and restart VSCode, otherwise there are some cryptic compilation errors
- GitHub issue (not m5stack specific)
- PlatformIO issue