Combines various web technologies to make a to do app with user auth, crud, etc.
rajdn / ios-SDNestedTable
Forked from robelkin/ios-SDNestedTablesObj-C module built on UITableView for creating a 2-level nested list UI control. iOS 4.0+
rajdn / QBKOverlayMenuView
Forked from sendoa/QBKOverlayMenuViewMenú flotante que trata de imitar el ofrecido por la app Sparrow para iOS
A UIViewController Category to display a ViewController as a popup with different transition effects.
A UIViewController Category to display a ViewController as a popup with different transition effects.
rajdn / OGActionChooser
Forked from XiaoDuan/OGActionChooseran iconized option chooser with the style of an UIActionSheet or UIAlertView
rajdn / UIImage-ASImage
Forked from appsandwich/UIImage-ASImageUIImage category, which simplifies loading of non-bundled images using [UIImage imageNamed:]
rajdn / UIGlossyButton
Forked from waterlou/UIGlossyButtonGenerate system like or other nice button without any image
Menú flotante que trata de imitar el ofrecido por la app Sparrow para iOS
UIImage category, which simplifies loading of non-bundled images using [UIImage imageNamed:]
rajdn / iTellAFriend
Forked from aporat/iTellAFriendiTellAFriend is an iOS toolkit for displaying a preconfigued mail composer with a "Tell a Friend" template in ios apps.
8000 rajdn / NoticeView
Forked from tciuro/NoticeViewA TweetBot-like notice component for iOS.
rajdn / SVHTTPRequest
Forked from tciuro/SVHTTPRequestSimple REST client for iOS and Mac.
rajdn / PSCollectionView
Forked from ptshih/PSCollectionViewA simple open source implementation of a Pinterest Pinboard for iOS
rajdn / KKGridView
Forked from kolinkrewinkel/KKGridViewGridview for iOS.
rajdn / MPFoldTransition
Forked from mpospese/MPFoldTransitionEasily add custom folding and page-flipping transitions to UIViews and UIViewControllers
tciuro / SVHTTPRequest
Forked from TransitApp/SVHTTPRequestSimple REST client for iOS and Mac.
A TweetBot-like notice component for iOS.
rajdn / BaseKit
Forked from brunow/BaseKitBaseKit is a set of IOS class to make your life easier.
rajdn / DMTwitterOAuth
Forked from malcommac/DMTwitterOAuthTwitter OAuth Library (Callback URL Login)
rajdn / GSBookShelf
Forked from ultragtx/GSBookShelfAn iBooks-styled book shelf for iOS (Animation of drag & drop, insert, remove...)
rajdn / NGTabBarController
Forked from xxhp/NGTabBarControllerA custom TabBarController implementation for iPhone and iPad
Twitter OAuth Library (Callback URL Login)
Easily add custom folding and page-flipping transitions to UIViews and UIViewControllers
rajdn / Lockbox
Forked from granoff/LockboxObjective-C utility class for storing data securely in the key chain.
A custom TabBarController implementation for iPhone and iPad
Objective-C utility class for storing data securely in the key chain.
rajdn / CODialog
Forked from rayyan/CODialogUIAlertView Replacement