Easily turn large sets of image urls to an image dataset. Can download, resize and package 100M urls in 20h on one machine.
Also supports saving captions for url+caption datasets.
pip install img2dataset
Example of datasets to download with example commands are available in the examples folder. In particular:
- mscoco 600k image/text pairs that can be downloaded in 10min
- cc3m 3M image/text pairs that can be downloaded in one hour
- cc12m 12M image/text pairs that can be downloaded in five hour
- laion400m 400M image/text pairs that can be downloaded in 3.5 days
For all these examples, you may want to tweak the resizing to your preferences. The default is 256x256 with white borders. See options below.
First get some image url list. For example:
echo 'https://placekitten.com/200/305' >> myimglist.txt
echo 'https://placekitten.com/200/304' >> myimglist.txt
echo 'https://placekitten.com/200/303' >> myimglist.txt
Then, run the tool:
img2dataset --url_list=myimglist.txt --output_folder=output_folder --thread_count=64 --image_size=256
The tool will then automatically download the urls, resize them, and store them with that format:
- output_folder
- 00000
- 000000000.jpg
- 000000001.jpg
- 000000002.jpg
- 00000
or as this format if choosing webdataset:
- output_folder
- 00000.tar containing:
- 000000000.jpg
- 000000001.jpg
- 000000002.jpg
- 00000.tar containing:
with each number being the position in the list. The subfolders avoids having too many files in a single folder.
If captions are provided, they will be saved as 0.txt, 1.txt, ...
This can then easily be fed into machine learning training or any other use case.
If save_metadata option is turned on (that's the default), then .json files named 0.json, 1.json,... are saved with these keys:
- url
- caption
- key of the form 000010005 : the first 5 digits are the shard id, the last 4 are the index in the shard
- status : whether the download succeeded
- error_message
- width
- height
- original_width
- original_height
- exif
Also a .parquet file will be saved with the same name as the subfolder/tar files containing these same metadata. It can be used to analyze the results efficiently.
This module exposes a single function download
which takes the same arguments as the command line tool:
- url_list A file with the list of url of images to download. It can be a folder of such files. (required)
- image_size The size to resize image to (default 256)
- output_folder The path to the output folder. If existing subfolder are present, the tool will continue to the next number. (default "images")
- processes_count The number of processes used for downloading the pictures. This is important to be high for performance. (default 1)
- thread_count The number of threads used for downloading the pictures. This is important to be high for performance. (default 256)
- resize_mode The way to resize pictures, can be no, border or keep_ratio (default border)
- no doesn't resize at all
- border will make the image image_size x image_size and add a border
- keep_ratio will keep the ratio and make the smallest side of the picture image_size
- center_crop will keep the ratio and center crop the largest side so the picture is squared
- resize_only_if_bigger resize pictures only if bigger that the image_size (default False)
- output_format decides how to save pictures (default files)
- files saves as a set of subfolder containing pictures
- webdataset saves as tars containing pictures
- input_format decides how to load the urls (default txt)
- txt loads the urls as a text file of url, one per line
- csv loads the urls and optional caption as a csv
- tsv loads the urls and optional caption as a tsv
- tsv.gz loads the urls and optional caption as a compressed (gzip) tsv.gz
- json loads the urls and optional caption as a json
- parquet loads the urls and optional caption as a parquet
- url_col the name of the url column for parquet and csv (default url)
- caption_col the name of the caption column for parquet and csv (default None)
- number_sample_per_shard the number of sample that will be downloaded in one shard (default 10000)
- save_metadata if true, saves one parquet file per folder/tar and json files with metadata (default True)
- save_additional_columns list of additional columns to take from the csv/parquet files and save in metadata files (default None)
- timeout maximum time (in seconds) to wait when trying to download an image (default 10)
- enable_wandb whether to enable wandb logging (default False)
- wandb_project name of W&B project used (default img2dataset)
- oom_shard_count the order of magnitude of the number of shards, used only to decide what zero padding to use to name the shard files (default 5)
The default values should be good enough for small sized dataset. For larger ones, these tips may help you get the best performance:
- set the processes_count as the number of cores your machine has
- increase thread_count as long as your bandwidth and cpu are below the limits
- I advise to set output_format to webdataset if your dataset has more than 1M elements, it will be easier to manipulate few tars rather than million of files
- keeping metadata to True can be useful to check what items were already saved and avoid redownloading them
To enable wandb, use the --enable_wandb=True
Performance metrics are monitored through Weights & Biases.
In addition, most frequent errors are logged for easier debugging.
Other features are available:
- logging of environment configuration (OS, python version, CPU count, Hostname, etc)
- monitoring of hardware resources (GPU/CPU, RAM, Disk, Networking, etc)
- custom graphs and reports
- comparison of runs (convenient when optimizing parameters such as number of threads/cpus)
When running the script for the first time, you can decide to either associate your metrics to your account or log them anonymously.
You can also log in (or create an account) before by running wandb login
This tool works very well in the current state for up to 100M elements. Future goals include:
- a benchmark for 1B pictures which may require
- further optimization on the resizing part
- better multi node support
- integrated support for incremental support (only download new elements)
This tool is designed to download pictures as fast as possible. This put a stress on various kind of resources. Some numbers assuming 1350 image/s:
- Bandwidth: downloading a thousand average image per second requires about 130MB/s
- CPU: resizing one image may take several milliseconds, several thousand per second can use up to 16 cores
- DNS querying: million of urls mean million of domains, default OS setting usually are not enough. Setting up a local bind9 resolver may be required
- Disk: if using resizing, up to 30MB/s write speed is necessary. If not using resizing, up to 130MB/s. Writing in few tar files make it possible to use rotational drives instead of a SSD.
With these information in mind, the design choice was done in this way:
- the list of urls is split in N shards. N is usually chosen as the number of cores
- N processes are started (using multiprocessing process pool)
- each process starts M threads. M should be maximized in order to use as much network as possible while keeping cpu usage below 100%.
- each of this thread download 1 image and returns it
- the parent thread handle resizing (which means there is at most N resizing running at once, using up the cores but not more)
- the parent thread saves to a tar file that is different from other process
This design make it possible to use the CPU resource efficiently by doing only 1 resize per core, reduce disk overhead by opening 1 file per core, while using the bandwidth resource as much as possible by using M thread per process.
In order to keep the success rate high, it is necessary to use an efficient DNS resolver. I tried several options: systemd-resolved, dnsmaskq and bind9 and reached the conclusion that bind9 reaches the best performance for this use case. Here is how to set this up on ubuntu:
sudo apt install bind9
sudo vim /etc/bind/named.conf.options
Add this in options:
recursive-clients 10000;
resolver-query-timeout 30000;
max-clients-per-query 10000;
max-cache-size 2000m;
sudo systemctl restart bind9
sudo vim /etc/resolv.conf
Put this content:
This will make it possible to keep an high success rate while doing thousands of dns queries. You may also want to setup bind9 logging in order to check that few dns errors happen.
Either locally, or in gitpod (do export PIP_USER=false
Setup a virtualenv:
python3 -m venv .env
source .env/bin/activate
pip install -e .
to run tests:
pip install -r requirements-test.txt
make lint
make test
You can use make black
to reformat the code
cd tests
bash benchmark.sh
Download crawling at home first part, then:
cd tests
bash large_bench.sh
It takes 3.7h to download 18M pictures
1350 images/s is the currently observed performance. 4.8M images per hour, 116M images per 24h.
downloading 2 parquet files of 18M items (result 936GB) took 7h24 average of 1345 image/s
downloading 190M images from the crawling at home dataset took 41h (result 5TB) average of 1280 image/s