GPU accelerated deep learning and numeric computing for Scala 3.
🛒 The Shopping Cart application developed in the book "Practical FP in Scala: A hands-on approach"
The pure asynchronous runtime for Scala
A wrapper around Apache SSHD targeting cats-effect and fs2
Performant, purely-functional, low-level, and unopinionated wrapper around Java NIO functionality
ZIO — A type-safe, composable library for async and concurrent programming in Scala
A friendly programming language from the future
Defines immutable, safe data structures for describing IP addresses, multicast joins, socket addresses and similar IP & network related data types
Logging Tools For Interaction with cats-effect
Type-safe general-cryptography library -
The Functional and Reactive Web-Frontend Library for Scala.js
Hacky applicative-style for comprehensions for Scala.
Asynchronous, Reactive Programming for Scala and Scala.js.
Fast [co]product types with a clean syntax. For Cats & Scalaz.
A cohesive & pragmatic framework of FP centric Scala libraries
Simple & Efficient data access for Scala and Scala.js
Restful Event Stream API built with Free monads
Your favorite language gets closer to bare metal.