- New York
Code for "Cascading upper bounds for triangle soup Pompeiu-Hausdorff distance" (SGP 2024). Authors: Leonardo Sacht and Alec Jacobson.
Some simple Blender scripts for rendering paper figures
Learn to use WebGPU for native graphic applications in C++
A collection of utility functions to prototype geometry processing research in python
A vertex-centric representation for adaptive diamond-kite meshes
An algorithm for Structured Volume Decomposition
High-performance automatic differentiation of LLVM and MLIR.
Seidel's LP Algorithm: Linear-Complexity Linear Programming for Small-Dimensional Variables
C++ header-only library with methods to efficiently encode/decode Morton codes in/from 2D/3D coordinates
A single-file zero-overhead C++ idiomatic wrapper for WebGPU native
Mirror of OS X ABI Mach-O File Format Reference
Mesh optimization library that makes meshes smaller and faster to render
Polygon Clipping and Offsetting - C++, C# and Delphi
Implementation of Reliable Feature-Line Driven Quad-Remeshing
Mitsuba 3: A Retargetable Forward and Inverse Renderer
Automatic Differentiation in Geometry Processing Made Simple
Scalene: a high-performance, high-precision CPU, GPU, and memory profiler for Python with AI-powered optimization proposals
Documentation website for the Lagrange geometry processing library.
nanobind: tiny and efficient C++/Python bindings