This project provides patches for Quobyte drivers in the different OpenStack projects.
Patches in this project are ordered by OpenStack releases. For example a specific patch version for the Mitaka release can be found at:
These patches can be applied by navigating to the project to be patched root directory and running the linux patch utility, e.g.:
patch -p1 < /path/to/patchfile
Please see the different patches readme files for their respective installation commands.
Fixes a Cinder parameter bug currently in review.
Fixes a Cinder file format handling bug currently in review.
Fixes a Cinder image_utils bug that affects all remotefs based drivers. The fix solves the issue for the Quobyte driver. A more generic fix will be submitted upstream.
Allows activating Cinder multi attach with the Quobyte driver.
The following patches are still available but outdated.
These patches provides an all in one patch file per project for easier installation. These patch files correct a list of issues/features, including single issue fix patches availabe in this repository.
Backport of the upstream changes for overlay volumes, the volume_from_snapshot_cache and some general volume creation optimizations for Cinder.
A simple Cinder patch for setups encountering qemu-img commit crashes during snapshot deletion with v3 Kernels.
Small patch that enables volume backups via volume cloning with Quobyte volumes. This change is part of the upstream code for releases Pike and newer.
Backport of a Nova bugfix for a bug that caused mounts to be removed when the Nova service was stopped or restarted. This patch is part of the upstream code fore releases Pike and newer.
Patches the Cinder Quobyte driver to always use the currently configured quobyte_volume_url.
Backports of performance optimizations that remove the usage of xattr from the Nova driver and mount Quobyte volumes without xattr support, in order to improve iops. This patch is part of the upstream code fore releases Pike and newer.
This contains a list of older patches that where removed and are no longer available.
- truncate-ephemeral_patch: Removed due to possible stability issues
- nova_mitaka_external-mount_patch: Superseeded by the systemd-cgroup_patch (see above)