Create a RESTful python web server to provide the following API endpoints:
1. `GET /drivers` - returns all the drivers registered with the application
2. `GET /driver/<id>` - returns information for a single driver
3. `POST /drivers` - Expects information for the driver to be added in POST
parameters, returns newly created driver object.
The driver has following fields - ["Name", "PhoneNumber", "VehicleNumber"]
4. 'DELETE /driver/<id>' - deletes the driver with given id
5. 'UPDATE /driver/<id>' - Updates the driver with given id
6. `GET /bookings` - returns all the bookings registered with the application
7. `GET /booking/<id>` - returns information for a single booking
8. `POST /bookings` - Expects information for the booking to be added in POST
parameters, returns newly created booking object.
The booking has following fields - ["Name", "PhoneNumber", "StartLocation", "EndLocation", "driver"]
9. 'DELETE /booking/<id>' - deletes the booking with given id
10. 'UPDATE /booking/<id>' - Updates the booking with given id
11. 'POST assign/' - Assign the driver to the booking.
You are free to use any framework and database for the same.
Bonus: Create Forms for all the above models and assignment using HRML/CSS/JS, AngularJs