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Open source password manager for teams
(c) 2021 Passbolt SA
Passbolt - Open source password manager for teams
(c) 2021 Passbolt SA
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation version 3.
The name "Passbolt" is a registered trademark of Passbolt SA, and Passbolt SA hereby declines to grant a trademark license to "Passbolt" pursuant to the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 Section 7(e), without a separate agreement with Passbolt SA.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see GNU Affero General Public License v3.
This repository is a command line interface for passbolt API. It allows a user to interact with the passbolt server without the use of web extension.
Currently works as a read only access only.
In order to use passbolt CLI you will need:
- Gnupg v2
- Nodejs LTS or more recent
Copy the repository
git clone git@github.com:passbolt/passbolt_cli.git
Move inside the new directory
cd passbolt_cli
Install npm dependencies
npm install
Make the symlink on our path point to the index.js
[sudo] npm link
Create or copy a configuration file with a user and a server config
mkdir ~/.config/passbolt
cp app/config/config.default.json ~/.config/passbolt/config.json
Open the newly created config file and set the details. You can look at the examples in the config folder.
You need to setup the domain baseUrl
, and the associated key fingerprint
You also need to make sure the server public key is in your GnuPG keyring.
If you do not know the domain public key or fingerprint you can get them like follow
$ passbolt server-key --domain=https://www.passbolt.test | gpg --import
$ passbolt server-key --fingerprint --domain=https://www.passbolt.test
You will need to download your private key from the passbolt interface, for example during the backup step of the setup, or once logged on your profile workspace.
Import this key in your GnuPG keyring and get a hold of the fingerprint.
Set all the information in the user
section of the configuration file.
If you are using a default passbolt server instance with Selenium tests data installed then it will work out the box with Ada for example:
"domain" : {
"baseUrl": "http://passbolt.dev",
"publicKey" : {
"fingerprint" : "2FC8945833C51946E937F9FED47B0811573EE67E"
"user" : {
"firstname": "Ada",
"lastname" : "Lovelace",
"email" : "ada@passbolt.com",
"privateKey" : {
"fingerprint": "03F60E958F4CB29723ACDF761353B5B15D9B054F"
Some additional options are available:
You can define the trust model when encrypting:
"gpg" : {
"trust": "always"
By default SSL request will be refused for a connection which is not authorized with the list of supplied CAs. For testing purposes you can set rejectUnauthorized to false, to ignore issues with the certificate (authority, not matching names, etc).
Please review other options that allow finer and safer control for self signed certificate, see.
"agentOptions": {
"rejectUnauthorized": false
It is possible to set the order of preference for MFA providers if MFA is setup and requested. With this configuration if Yubikey and TOTP providers are both enabled for the organization and the user, yubikey OTP will be used as MFA. If it is not enabled for the organization for example, it will fall back to Totp.
"mfa": {
"providers": ["yubikey","totp"]
Right now the basics, only authentication and read operations.
Usage: passbolt [options] [command]
auth Authentication actions, login or logout
get View the OpenPGP data block of a given resource
find Find one or more resources
server-key Fetch the server public key
users List all users
user View one user details
help [cmd] display help for [cmd]
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
Authentication is based on GPGAuth, so it uses your private key and your passphrase if you have one.
Optionally you can provide your passphrase if you do not want gnupg handle the pinentry. Please note that this obviously less safe.
$ passbolt auth login --passphrase='<passphrase>'
GPGAuth Skipping, you are already logged in
You can also logout. If let say you change your user config, or want to clear your session.
$ passbolt auth logout
You can check if you are logged in or not.
$ passbolt auth check
$ passbolt find
Inkscape vector https://inkscape.org/ 2016-05-15 16:04:49 17c66127-0c5e-3510-a497-2e6a105109db
Enlightenment efl https://www.enlightenment.org/ 2016-05-15 16:04:49 2af40344-b330-30a8-ac26-64b2776f07e0
free software foundation europe fsfe https://fsfe.org/index.en.html 2016-05-15 16:04:49 31bf093f-dd27-391d-ae9d-f511ef41dd12
ftp user 2016-05-15 16:04:49 4a2f98e8-b326-3384-aa2b-c3c9a81be3f7
Your can select the columns you want to display using the --columns
Non existing collumns will be ignored.
$ passbolt find --columns=name,uuid
Once you know the UUID from the find you can get it as follow
$ passbolt get 664735b2-4be7-36d9-a9f8-08d42998faf8
Version: GnuPG v2
Of course you can chain and pipe things up like:
$ passbolt get $(passbolt find | awk '/inkscape/ { print $NF }') | gpg -q --no-tty
-q and --no-tty
are optional and ensures that only the password is printed.
$ [sudo] npm install -g mocha
$ mocha tests
$ passbolt users
Frances Allen frances@passbolt.com 98DA33350692F21BD5F83A17E8DC5617477FB14C 1c137bd7-2838-3c3d-a021-d2986d9126f5
Kathleen Antonelli kathleen@passbolt.com 14D07AFFDE916BC904F17AFB4D203642A73AE279 201b442c-d6ca-3ee6-a443-ce669ca0ec6e
Jean Bartik jean@passbolt.com 8F758E3BDD8445361A8A6AD073BAC28524AA1193 7c7afd29-1b98-3c3e-ae55-adedc333fb4b
Your can select the columns you want to display using the --columns
$ passbolt users --columns=created,username
$ passbolt user 1c137bd7-2838-3c3d-a021-d2986d9126f5
Frances Allen frances@passbolt.com 98DA33350692F21BD5F83A17E8DC5617477FB14C 1c137bd7-2838-3c3d-a021-d2986d9126f5