This project intends to bring the world of Guild Wars to the Tabletop Community by conversion to D&D 5th Edition. While this will be a long process, it should hopefully be a worthwhile one.
Check out our website!
- We are all volunteers. None of us should expect the others to set aside important life events in order to complete something, or to even stay on. Life comes first, this comes later. Much - much later.
- We will not be making money from this. This should be a given - it's a fan project, and we do not own the IP. If something comes up later down the line that is perfectly legal and awesome, then this could change. However, the goal is to creat 60DA e an awesome setting(s) and campaign(s) that others can enjoy without a paywall. That means even if we get into the awesome realm of offering hardcover stuff, the PDFs will ALWAYS be free and available to the community.
- We are a semi-public group. While I do not mind sharing some of our work, I'd rather not others influence directly on the project unless they are members or go through the proper channels to contribute (pull requests or issue opening). Pretty simple. It's not like we are a secret agency - feel free to discuss and share whatever you'd like.
- Be courteous. This falls in line with the first guideline, but don't expect everything will get done right away. We are all our own people, and with that in mind, please respect that. This goes for anything that also may or may not branch into the realm of political or religious discussions. This is not a ban, as I do not support censorship - simply, don't be assholes to other people.
- Content. I would like to keep the lore and things as close to the actual thing while making it worthwhile and appropriate for the TTRPG universe. And while GW2 does exist and is awesome, we will be sticking with primarily GW1 lore for adhesiveness. Still, if you have an idea, let's hear it!
- Questions or Concerns. If you have any, feel free to make comments here, open a ticket, chat in our discord, or email me directly at
- Github: If you don't know it, now is the time to learn. Generally, SUPER SIMPLE. Get familiarized, know how to comment, and how to submit a pull request so you can update the project with your work!
- If you still feel stuck or want to learn more, it would help to know the Pull-Request Workflow. The second half of this article section can actually be taken care of with Github Dekstop as to avoid all the code.
- Markdown: Please get to learn it. It makes things easy, and commenting is also super easy. I personally recommend Typora for it's ease of use!
Awesome. Go forth and conquer with these skills!
But wait - GW2 has this totally AWESOME piece of lore!
Does it help out the lore of GW1 without messing something up? Sounds good. Otherwise... we have to be very careful.
Okay... So what if you guys go away?
If we manage to POOF? Got you covered. That's why we're on GitHub, making this able to be shared! If we every go away, our progress can still be used by others out there.
What if I want to contribute by giving you info, but don't want to do more work than that?
Cool - put in an "Issue" so we can check it out and document it! It still helps.
What if I want to "join" you?
Shoot me an email about how to get more involved! If you have any skills that you think could be useful, even better!
Sweet. I want to send you guys some money for this awesome thing!
NO! Legally, we can't. Besides, if you want to help us out, there are other things you can do such as sharing the project or contributing! We will still feel your love!
Cheers, and thanks for checking us out!