As a Principal MLOps Engineer, I automate and productize data science projects to enhance customer experience, while leading and mentoring teams. Besides, I am passionate about teaching, acted as an adjunct professor during my Masterโs and PhD programs, and now teach graduate courses about data science. Committed to continuous learning, I aim to help the next generation of data professionals grow while further advancing in the AI field. As Aristotle said, "The joy of thinking and learning makes us think and learn even more."
- Awesome Datasets - leomaurodesen 8000 v/game-datasets
- Linux Gaming - leomaurodesenv/cemu-linux
- DVC, Luigi, NLP - leomaurodesenv/dvc-luigi-nlp
- Kedro, Sklearn, NLP - leomaurodesenv/kedro-sklearn-nlp
- Docker, FastAPI, Dependabot - leomaurodesenv/data-science-api-framework
- Databricks, Surprise, RecSys - leomaurodesenv/databricks-recommendation-system
- Streamlit, hugging space - leomaurodesenv/qasports-dataset-website
- Datasets, Web Scrappings - leomaurodesenv/qasports-dataset-scripts
- Microempreendedor Individual (pt-br) - leomaurodesenv/mei-sao-carlos
- Driving Innovation: Leveraging Machine Learning Platforms.
- Identity Document Recognition - Understanding the Basics of Image Classification.
- Efficiently Setting up VS Code for Data Science Development on Windows with WSL.
- Setting up your Git Bash/ZSH terminals on Windows.
- Comparing AutoML Tools in Titanic Dataset - Machine Learning.
- Modeling and Analyzing Social Networks of Games, 2025.
- BigQA: A Software Reference Architecture for Big Data Question Answering Systems, 2024.
- QASports: A Question Answering Dataset about Sports, 2023.
- SMMnet: A Social Network of Games Dataset, 2019.
- Detecting Influencers in Very Large Social Networks of Games, 2019.