- San Francisco, CA
(UTC -08:00) - https://kognise.dev/
- @kognise7
website Public
My personal website and portfolio.
kogs-in-town Public
It's like Bands in Town, but custom-made for me!
react-fork Public
Forked from facebook/react(FORK) The library for web and native user interfaces.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedDec 4, 2024 -
Nix, the purely functional package manager
C++ GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 UpdatedSep 11, 2024 -
flight-plan-converter Public
Simple website to convert flight plans between different formats
rsip Public
Forked from Televiska/rsipFORK: SIP Rust library (generator & parser)
Rust Other UpdatedJun 15, 2024 -
fontkey Public
One of my first projects. Font discovery, pairing, and preview tool that won the Replit Space Jam.
water.css Public
A drop-in collection of CSS styles to make simple websites just a little nicer
neocel Public
A command-line tool to deploy static sites to Neocities
libpnet-ipv6-layer3 Public
Forked from libpnet/libpnetCross-platform, low level networking using the Rust programming language.
mint-cleanup Public
Moves Citibank transaction names to Intuit Mint, and recategorizes some transactions.
golfed-cursor-sync Public
very codegolfed (albeit depends on ws) server that provides synchronized cursors
1 UpdatedOct 21, 2023 -
sheets-image Public
Rendering a frame with a single Google Sheets formula
JavaScript UpdatedOct 21, 2023 -
gameshow Public
Outernet 2023: whack-a-mole and Osu!Mania with giant red buttons from Aliexpress
hcb-renamer Public
GPT3 finetuning script for AI HCB transaction renaming
TypeScript UpdatedOct 21, 2023 -
led-matrix-driver-rp2040 Public
Raspberry Pi Pico W firmware that drives some weird Adafruit LED matrices
apcsp-perf-task-2022 Public
Conway's game of life implented simply in Java
Java UpdatedOct 21, 2023 -
arpchat Public
Answering the question nobody asked: what if you wanted to text your friends using only ARP?