- Portugal
- in/kelvinfaustino
- Pro
libft Public
This project aims to understand how these functions work, implement them, and learn how to use them, to create your own library. It will be useful as you will use it in your next C projects.
Piscine_42Porto Public
This repository is my journey at Piscine 42 Porto (September 2022). From preparation to approval.
minitalk Public
The goal of this project is to code a small data exchange program between client and server using UNIX signals.
ft_printf Public
The goal of this project is to recreate the printf() function. It is all about mastering one of the key concepts in C, functions with a variable number of arguments, the variadic functions.
get_next_line Public
The aim of the project is to access and return the contents of a text file pointed to by the file descriptor, one line at a time. The bonus part can handle multiple files simultaneously.