- To build a web application that "srapes" data from various websites related to Mission to Mars and displays a summary output of all extracted data in an html landing page
- To extract data via Web Scraping using Jupyter notebook & utilizing BeautifulSoup, & Splinter/Requests python libraries to obtain data & clean data using Pandas library
- To use MongoDB with Flask templating (Jinja) and create the HTML landing page to display summarized data
- The following sites were visited for Web Scraping:
- NASA Mars News Site- latest news title and paragraph text
- JPL Mars Space Images- Mars featured image in space
- Space Facts Site- Mars facts table
- USGS Astrogeology Site- high resolution images of hemispeheres in Mars
- scrape_mars.py - Jupyter notebook converted to a Python script that contains the "scrape" function that will execute all of your scraping code from above and returns one Python dictionary containing all of scraped data
- app.py - is a Flask application that will import the `scrape` function from `scrape_mars`. The following routes are available in this app
- a root route `/` that will query the Mongo database and pass the mars data into an HTML template to display the data
- `/scrape` route that imports scrape_mars.py and calls the `scrape` function then stores the return value as a Python dictionary
- index.html - an html file using Jinja templating that will take the mars data dictionary and display all of the data in the appropriate HTML elements