Compatible with Alfresco CE 4.2.c, 4.2.f, 5.0.d, 5.1.g (aka 201605) & 5.2.g (aka 201707)
Lastest release available at 4.0.0
Using datalists to maintain Alfresco model constraints.
- Deploy repo and share AMPs to Alfresco
- Create a new site selecting Site Preset Dictionary
- Configure site dashboard to include Datalists
- Create two new datalists from type "Options", one called "Smartphones" and another called "OS"
- Populate the datalists with some values (01 - Android, 02 - iOS...)
- Create a new site
- Upload a new document
- Add "Sample" aspect to document
- On "Option lists" section you should see two new fields ("option" and "another option") with combos showing the data populated on step 5
Only repo artifact is versioned as 2.1.0, available at datalist-model-repo.amp
Requires an additional property at
If true values are showed ordered by value in combos, if false values are showed as they were introduced in combos.
Both artifacts are versioned as 2.1.1
Support for multiple values control
<field id="ks:option">
<control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/datalistSelectone-multiple.ftl">
<control-param name="itemType">Option</control-param>
Based in Doña Ana County multivalue form control
Both artifacts are versioned as 2.1.2
Fixed deployment of web resources in the
AMP artifacts ready-to-deploy available at 3.1.0
It can be defined the same DataList ID to be applied locally inside a Site, overriding global Dictionary
datalist values. When using for advanced search, new search
parameter has been added for FTL control in order to mix all values from local sites and Dictionary
** Sample scenario **
Datalist definitions
Dictionary Site > Datalist "Options" > Values = 1,2
Sample 1 Site > Datalist "Options" > Values = 3,4
Sample 2 Site > No datalist defined
Values provided by combos
Outside from a Site > Values = 1,2
From Advanced Search > Values = 1,2,3,4
From Sample 1 Site > Values = 3,4
From Sample 2 Site > Values = 1,2
Sample custom model and Share form definition are being provided at folder
Added controls for default value and parent selection
AMP artifacts ready-to-deploy available at 3.2.0
Keywords [ADD]
have been added to define the behaviour of a list inside a Site:
merges values from global Dictionary list and Site list[REPLACE]
includes only values from Site list
This keyword has to be included in any place at Description
field when declaring the list inside a Site.
** Sample scenario **
Datalist definitions
Dictionary Site > Datalist "Options" > Values = 1,2
Sample 1 Site > Datalist "Options" (including [ADD] in description) > Values = 3,4
Sample 2 Site > Datalist "Options" (including [REPLACE] in description) > Values = 3,4
Sample 3 Site > No datalist defined
Values provided by combos
Outside from a Site > Values = 1,2
From Advanced Search > Values = 1,2,3,4
From Sample 1 Site > Values = 1,2,3,4
From Sample 2 Site > Values = 3,4
From Sample 3 Site > Values = 1,2
# Alfresco server hostname
# Basic auth, admin/admin by default
authorization="Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4="
# Lists names
lists=("lista1" "lista2" "lista3")
# Values by list name
lista1=("code1a,value1a" "code1b,value1b")
lista2=("code2a,value2a" "code2b,value2b")
for listName in "${lists[@]}"; do
listNodeRef=$(curl --silent -X POST \
http://"${hostname}"/alfresco/s/api/type/dl%3AdataList/formprocessor \
-H "${authorization}" \
-H 'content-type: multipart/form-data;' \
-F alf_destination=workspace://SpacesStore/582ca69b-4a38-42ac-bb7b-d215929a2e17 \
-F prop_cm_title=$listName \
-F prop_dl_dataListItemType=dlm:optionList \
| grep "persistedObject" | cut -c"25-" | rev | cut -c"3-" | rev)
echo "Created list $listName ($listNodeRef)"
for value in "${!values}"; do
code=$(echo "${value}" | cut -d "," -f 1)
value=$(echo "${value}" | cut -d "," -f 2)
itemNodeRef=$(curl --silent -X POST \
http://"${hostname}"/alfresco/s/api/type/dlm%3AoptionList/formprocessor \
-H "${authorization}" \
-H 'content-type: multipart/form-data;' \
-F alf_destination=$listNodeRef \
-F 'prop_dlm_code='"${code}"'' \
-F 'prop_dlm_value='"${value}"'' \
| grep "persistedObject" | cut -c"25-" | rev | cut -c"3-" | rev)