This repository is a tutorial for using the Tesseract software. It is a simple Shell script. You can run it simply over any of your directories. Before you start, please note, that a config.json
is necessary to
launch the script.
In the following I'll explain which properties you have to determine.
Argument | config.json Attribute | Description |
results | resultFiles | directory of the image folder |
createTXT | createTXT | true or false whether a .txt will be created or not |
createPDF | createPDF | true or false whether a searchable .pdf will be created or not |
deleteIMG | deleteIMG | true or false whether you want to delete the orig. image or not |
dir="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
predictions=`jq '.predictionFiles' config.json | xargs -n 1`
results=`jq '.resultFiles' config.json | xargs -n 1`
createTXT=`jq '.createTXT' config.json | xargs -n 1`
createPDF=`jq '.createPDF' config.json | xargs -n 1`
deleteIMG=`jq '.deleteIMG' config.json | xargs -n 1`
After all insert the directory with the images to be recognized into the results
-attribute in the config.json
-file and run the script with the following command:
- jq - Reading and writing
with shell script - Imagemagick – Imagemagick, image processing
- Tesseract – Tesseract - OCR tool